
Am Samstag, den 22.07.2006, 10:00 +0100 schrieb robert burrell donkin:
> On 7/22/06, Danny Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Mornin' Robert,
> mornin' Danny
> (been in Ibiza!)
> cool - or more accurately - hot :-)
> > IMHO what's needed is a template development environment complete with ant
> > > build script, cut down james configuration (developers shouldn't be
> > running
> > > development code on the standard ports) and some sample code. i'm
> > probably
> > > going to need to develop something similar for my own purposes. if
> > there's
> > > interest i'd be happy to post a patch to JIRA.
> >
> >
> > You're right the SDK was meant to be that, but we got so bogged down
> > in Avalon "issues" it never really got finished.
> > One idea I had for it was that it would be possible to start a minimal
> > james which would take its input from ascii files (mbox/maildir
> > possibly) and just pump them through the mailet pipeline so that
> > mailet applications could become testable without invoking all the
> > other bits of james.
> sounds good
> (not sure whether commons-email is able to read ASCII in mbox or /maildir
> format ATM but that code would make a good addition to the library.)
> ATM i'm using a stripped down james with SMTP serving on a high with
> everything else stripped out. i'm using commons-email to create test
> messages to play around with. would probably want to move to unit testing
> when i get a little more serious.

Maybe you want to have a look on the james source.. we allready wrote
all the needed stuff to write junit test for mailets and matchers :-)

> i'll try to find some time to tidy up the SDK i'm using ATM and post it to
> JIRA as a starting point. would probably need some changes to the build
> script so that variable content (such as the mailet classes and the jars)
> were dynamically created for each release.
> - robert

Cool .. im lookin forward to this. Thx for the work.


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