On 9/15/06, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bernd Fondermann wrote:
> Let's at first work together on trunk and then decide to release (when
> time is due but quite soon).
> If there are developments which are not completed, ok. Lets disable
> them, or mark them as experimental, but release what we have. Then,
> let's move on.
> I am not opposing doing larger refactorings, or maybe even break
> features for a limited time. But let's move forward carefully
> nonetheless.

Sorry, I think that with all this messages I'm not sure I understood
your position.

Norman and I agreed on a possible release plan for what we identified
temporarily as "next-major":

We proposed to include everything we have in current trunk + what we are
able to implement until the beginning of January choosing from a list of
issues we already defined (and maybe something more, discussing it). In
January we will branch and start consolidating things to be released
(and I expect a first alpha/beta really soon after the branch).

I am totally fine with this.

Vincenzo and Noel seems to agree on branching from 2.3 and backporting
some few selected changes to make an interim release (If I understood it
they would not do any new development in the branch, but only
backporting+bugfixing). They have not published the list of this few
issues, but maybe they will do this soon.

I am OK with this, as you write it down theoretically.
My objection is: I think it is unrealistic. There would very probably
be changes on the patch branch which then would have to be
"forward-backported" (immediatly or later or never?) to trunk.
If it is only a digest of patches, that's OK.

Do you agree with one of these 2 plans? Have you, instead, a third
proposal (possibly including expected date to branch/date to release and
expected feature list)?

As I said, let's go forward with trunk. (Exception: make hotfixes to
2.3 and release that as 2.3.1 onward.)
Then, at some time in the future, let's branch and release. Just like
we did with 2.3! The date may be January. Maybe but unlikely: before


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