Steve Brewin schrieb:
> robert burrell donkin wrote:
>> On 1/4/07, Steve Brewin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Lokesh Babu wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i have to integrate Jsieve with james mailserver,can anyone
>>>> please provide
>>>> the process of jsieve integration with james
>> mailserver/hmailserver.
>>> Take a look at package org.apache.jsieve.samples.james and
>> be sure to read
>>> package.html. As noted, this is a partial integration with
>> James for demo
>>> and testing purposes.
>>> Full integration is a pending James activity awaiting the
>> completion of our
>>> IMAP implementation which will bring with it the required
>> infrastructure to
>>> make jSieve truly useful.
>> IMAP needs work but is usable ATM
>> what particular commands does jslieve require?
>> - robert
> The Sieve spec. is predicated on exploiting a subset of the IMAP commands
> which are not present in POP3, which is why we have never moved forward. I
> can't remember exactly which commands, but the spec. is quite clear.
> Other issues which I am trying to recall from at least 2 years ago at a high
> level are...
> - A major aspect of Sieve is the possibility of a script per user so the
> user repository has to be able to maintain a reference to a unique script.
> - If the Mailet API exposed more we could launch jSieve as a Mailet,
> otherwise we need to modify our processor chain to accomodate additional
> processors to the mailets for local delivery, such as jSieve. I've always
> felt a sieve enabled local delivery mailet is the cleanest approach.
> - The James Mailet implementations need some refactoring to enable the
> behaviour to be exploited by optional Sieve commands (Sieve requires a
> standard set of commands and allows optional ones). This would give James a
> large arsenal of sieve scripting possibilities over and above the standard
> ones.
> You could search the archives for more detailed info. from the the time of
> the discussions as its more persistent than my memory.
> Cheers
> Steve

Whe should add this to our todo list for the next non compatible
release. I think the best possibilty for this whould be to add the
script storage to the Userrepository storage layer.
An alternative whould be to build an JSieveService which can be used to
assert (store,retrieve etc) the jSieve rules for the username. This
could be a workaround for intruduce jsieve in compatible release. Maybe
this whould be the best solution by now.

BTW, I never looked at JSieve so correct me if im wrong. But i think it
work like normal sieve in (for example) cyrus-imap etc.


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