
I posted this to the PMC list in q4 2004, when we were discussing what
to do about the closure of Avalon. Time has moved on since then but I
think it is still relevant:

       ... we slowly remove all trace of Avalon and Phoenix from James,
       refactoring it into a "james-phoenix" deployment project and
leaving "our"
       code as POJO's

I think your "James is a POJO chameleon" idea makes a lot of sense. If we make it easy for 3rd parties to wrap James up, they'd do the heavy lifting of packaging the code up for you and making it deployable to their systems. Is there anything screwy about picking the Spring framework as the official container into which James is poured? Couldn't that just be how James is shipped from the core team?
If there was ever an
official James bug day, I would love to get involved, make some new
friends, and (especially) do some work towards the James-As-Plugin end...

Thats a nice idea, but we're a pretty global bunch and tend not to
work regular hours.
OTOH we've got a whole bunch of stuff in JIRA which you're welcome to
pick from.
In return we need to sort out our lifecycle so that you get the warm
glow from seing your fixes released, rather than languish in svn for
months on end.

Yeah, it was just a thought because I figure I'm going to need some pretty serious handholding at first if I'm going to help out.


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