On 6/9/07, Bernd Fondermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Let's have a mission statement for our project.
This apparently has proved to be a good thing[1].

It should be one sentence representing all aspects and parts of our
community. A claim-like phrase would be ok for me. It should not be for
pure marketing or for representing a current state, but more like a goal
we want to achieve over the next months.

I think it would be good to survey what people want out of James,
though I don't think it needs to be summarized to one sentence.  A few
years back we had such a discussion and the debate came down to
deciding whether to use James more for sysadmin stuff or to make it
more developer friendly.  At the time we went with sysadmin stuff,
which increased the number of features in that area and ease of use,
though it deprioritized any refactoring that is (was) needed.

I just like using Java to process email in real-time.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >> http://www.lokitech.com
p. 301.656.5501

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