Bernd Fondermann ha scritto:
> Stefano Bagnara wrote:
>> As a "next step" we could have a "raw" binary distribution including all
>> of our modules jars and configurations files and the deployment options.
>> In addition to this we can then provide the current phenix distribution
>> starting from this one.
>> This way we have a "binaries" distribution and a "phoenix-deployment".
> Is this "binary" dist a real distribution for end-users (what would they
> do with it?) or just a build artefact?
>   Bernd

Disclaimer: my sentences are part of brainstorming and I'm not
describing a complete solution I already analyzed and I'm supporting.

That said I was thinking at it as a _real_ distribution: I may argue
that I think the "end-users" of this distribution will be java
developers for a while, but maybe this will change with time as we add
documentations, installers, helper to manage it as windows/unix services
and so on.

What I wanted to notice is that if we have one step preparing all of our
module jars then the phoenix deployment is simply a particular
assemblage of that jars and the phoenix folder.

As one of the requirement was to be able to create a customized sar then
I thought we could try to solve 2 issues with one change.

People wanting to use a standard JAMES will use the phoenix
distribution, that do not require anything but the JVM installed and is
ready to run. People wanting to customize the sar, to write some mailets
(mailet sdk) or to use the spring stuff will instead download "binaries"

I mean a zip file including all of the jars, some configuration file and
a build.xml used to build the phoenix distribution or to build a custom
sar including custom configs/jars or to build custom mailets sources
placed in a specific folder. In this case the binary zip should also
include the phoenix-packaging and the spring-packaging folders including
jars and other files needed to create our phoenix distribution or to be
able to run james using spring. The build.xml could be a specific
build.xml or could be the same build.xml we used to build the modules
sources but having logic to understand if there are sources or binaries
and accept/reject specific targets based on this. Here ant experts
suggestions will be much more useful then mine.

This distribution would be much bigger than any other artifact we
redistribute as it will contain all of our binaries and will include
phoenix and our spring-based container (and maybe more in future).
At the moment I think that it is better (for both: us and our users) to
manage this as a single distributions instead of publishing more
separate options.


PS: About the container vs framework definitions I think there's no need
to argue about this: we have different opinions and I bet we can live
with it with no problems ;-) Let's concentrate on a good solution that
will allow us to limit the set of distributions to manage and our users
to feel comfortable with this.

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