On 10/9/07, Robert Burrell Donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/9/07, Bernd Fondermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Let's face it - there will be nothing what could remind you of Phoenix
> > in the combined code base.
> > But it probably will work similar to Spring IoC-Container. Much
> > flexibility, simplicity.
> > Anyway, every container apart from Phoenix will be fine.
> pheonix is tightly coupled with the excaliber components we use.

it's funny you write that. "the IoC container is tightly coupled with
its components" ;-)
James is not dependend on Phoenix (the only part I managed to get
around in James/Spring), but it is very tightly coupled indeed with
excalibur components. We'd probably have to rewrite much of our code
to loosen these strings.

> it is
> possible that excaliber may be refactored into pojos and avalon
> bindings.

I'd like to see that happen. Anyone already working on that or is this
only in theory?


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