Bernd Fondermann ha scritto:
> On 10/10/07, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As an example of phoenix advanced components, phoenix provides a
>> Beanshell based kernel that you can access with a console to manage the
>> container and the contained applications dynamically.
> Phoenix is a very mature and capable container. Spring cannot
> supersede every possible feature of Phoenix or any other technology.
> And I am not saying that Spring is equivalent to Phoenix in every
> single example you gave. But nevertheless, I'd like to give some
> references where everybody interested might start reading...

I reply to the pointers you gave so to make it more clear what I was
talking about, but I think we mostly agree on the Phoenix vs Spring
issue and the 2 specific issues are not so important now.

> for scripting and BeanShell support, see Spring Reference Chapter 24. esp. 
> 24.3.

I don't know every Spring aspect this well, but I think this is different.
The Beanshell kernel module for Phoenix gives you an *interactive* shell
where you can remotely login and manage apps/components via beanshell.
Spring chapter 24 is instead (if I understand it correctly) about
writing new components using scripting/dynamic languages.

>> Phoenix has an HTTP adaptor on the ServiceManager that allow you to
>> access the JMX services via web.
> see Spring Reference Chapters 17.4 and 20.

I see JMX export and HTTP support, but I don't see an out of the box
solution that gives me a way to point my a simple browser there, see
some information, restart some component and so on. I'm sure you can do
this integrating MX4J or other tools, but at the moment in phoenix I
uncomment few lines in the configuration file, with spring I should
start reading 2 chapters...

>> Not everything in this list will make me veto a proposal to use spring
>> as our main deployment and forget about phoenix, but some of them are
>> important, and this was mainly to make it clear that spring is not the
>> panacea.
> Alright. My basic idea behind the spring-deployment is /choice/, to
> offer our users new ways to integrate James with their own or third
> party software.
> Pheonix-deployment module will live on as long as someone is maintaining it.
> At least I myself will never propose to deprecate it.

I will do, once I'll see a complete alternative: supporting multiple
deployment is (IMHO) a waste of already limited (human) resources.

Thank you,

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