Hontvari Jozsef wrote:

> The trunk receives all changes. It must always be in a useable state.

Trying convincing people of that.  :-)  Robert, for example, explicitly
considers that to be the wrong approach, and indicates that he considers a
substantial amount of trunk to be junk.  His thought is to let everyone keep
dumping code into trunk until it is so bad that we are forced to make more
and more modular packaging.

I agree with the goal of modular releases, but want something that we can
work with today.  So he and I agree that I'll start with something that we
know works.  And as each modular piece comes out of trunk, we'll see if we
can fit it into the production branch.  Slowly but surely we'll get to where
we want to be, but always try to maintain a production-ready branch, which
is what you are calling trunk.

> Compatibility doesn't matter at all, you don't release more then once a
> year anyway now.

That's a bug, not a feature.  And if I don't do this, it will be another two
years before anything happens.

> Moreover James is a mature product, nobody is forced to upgrade.

If you are running a public facing mail server using JAMES, that's just not
the case.  The spammers have raised the noise level so high that, for
example, fast-fail is really mandatory, not optional.  Improvements in
fast-fail are important.  My private build gets by; the public JAMES build
would be seriously hindered.  I want that to change.

        --- Noel

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