2011/8/1 Eric Charles <e...@apache.org>:
> Hi,
> We need to discuss the way we deploy web sites:
> 1. Via svn (commit in www project, and update on server).
> 2. Via svn (commit in www project, and automatically visible via svnpubsub).
> 3. Via scp (with file permissions issues...)
> 4. Via mvn site-deploy
> I understand there is a consensus for option 4 (mvn site-deploy).
> Can you confirm?

Yes, #4 is my preferred solution, and in future we could even automate
the site-deploy task from hudson. Also, site-deploy already takes care
to update file permissions (this happens only when the site deploy
task is completely successfull, so remember to take a look at the
server perms manually if you can't successfully complete the
site-deploy task)

#1 and #2 are a waste of time for us and resources for ASF (svn space
used by website updates is a lot and we don't need change tracking on
that stuff).
#3 is similar to #4 (#4 uses scp under the hood) but with less
automation: I don't see many advantages in "mvn site && scp something"
instead of "mvn site-deploy" (the main advantage of scp would be local
review and selective copy, but I think we should try to avoid
selective publishing)

> Please also read for later evolutions:
> https://blogs.apache.org/infra/entry/the_asf_cms
> http://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html

As long as we use maven sites we can ignore this. I didn't hear too
much about this: which TLP already moved?
I'm in favor of using a CMS for documentation instead of maven (or
maybe a mix of the two) because I find maven site maintenaince is slow
compared to a wiki or a web-based cms.
I really don't like the fact that the "asf cms" needs SVN to update it
(is this true?): then we would be stuck again to a development
I would very strongly prefer a real web based CMS so that we can
update the website/docs whenever we have some minutes and some web


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