Hi Norman

I'll find some time this afternoon. I had also strange effects in other modules - when a submodule calls e.g. any goal of the jar-plugin explicitly I needed to run the instrumentation of the emma plugin goal as well explicitly, even when already run from the parent pom. While the build seems to work this way I think to become problems when generating the reports because it tells me that emma instrumentation is already done and can't be done a second time ...

I'm not the emma specialist but I'll try to find a solution for this. If I can't find one I wonder if we should either investigate more time in finding another (than emma and cobertura) code coverage plugin, don't use any code coverage plugin or investigate more time in the license problematics of cobertura.


On 11/17/2011 08:18 AM, Norman Maurer wrote:
Hi there,

after the last changes related to the emma-plugin I see strange
problems in niosmtp (which uses protocols snapshots in its unit
tests). If I don't specify the emma jar as test dependency it fails to
init the protocols classes. For me it seems like the protocols jar
contains the emma instrumented classes and not the "original" one.

Could you have a look ? You can see the effect by comment the emma
dependency in niosmtp and try to run "mvn clean package".

  The niosmtp source can be found here:


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