Thx a lot for sharing this.
(forget my last post, it has being crossing the more detailed information you give here).

I will further reply tomorrow (short on time here), but smooth migration to james sounds indeed very exciting :)


On 30/01/12 17:31, lclhst wrote:
Hi, yes and no. :)

For now, we have our CRM as an e-mail client. And we have a custom
e-mail server, which is FAR from RFC-compliant. :)

That's why we want to switch to a real mailserver and we're going to
use Apache JAMES for this.

However, we cannot make such a big step at once, so what we want to do
now is have our mailserver (JAMES) and our custommailserver

So the basic idea is:
When a user marks a message as read in our CRM, we send a signal
(probably through JMS or something), then pick up that signal in a
custom Apache JAMES component, then mark the message read on the
IMAP-server. This way we can synchronize.
And also the other way around: When a user marks a message as read in
the IMAP-server (JAMES), we send a signal to some to-be-defined
server, which will mark the message as read in our CRM. And we're

However, when I mark a message as read through the JAMES-API (or
through an IMAP-session), an event "MailboxListener.event(FlagsUpdated
event)" is triggered and we also respond to that, so we will update
our CRM again. This is something I want to prevent. So somehow, I
should be able to mark a message read in JAMES, without triggering an
event. OR I should be able to detect the currently connected host
(which will return the IP address of the server that created the
IMAP-session), so I can filter out events coming from that host. OR I
should be able to access all mailboxes and accounts with a certain
"system" user. I believe the latter is possible, but I wouldn't know
what username to specify.

I hope I'm making this clear. I actually think this discussion would
be quite useful for others too, since I can't believe I'm going to be
the only one trying to do this. :)

And yes, eventually our CRM will be a real IMAP-client. But for now,
we'll have to do this step by step. :) But it's quite fun to dig into
JAMES! :) It's lovely.

Thanks for the input.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Eric Charles<>  wrote:

So your CRM acts as an IMAP client, right and ?
If such, you could assign a username/password to your CRM.

The event contains the MailboSession which has the getUser().getUsername(), so 
you will know if the event has been triggered by the CRM or by a real user.

Did I get your point?

On 30/01/12 14:25, lclhst wrote:

Thank you for the useful replies.

Ok, creating a reference to the mailboxmanager using @Resource is a lot
better. So that's nice.

Regarding the hostname, I was looking for a way to detect wether this
session is a user-session (i.e. an actual user that reads a message in his
IMAP-inbox) or a system-session (our sync-program that marks a message as
read, because a message was marked as read in our CRM). When I create that
IMAP-session and mark the message as read, it's a user-session, so I can't
distinguish that.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Eric Charles<>    wrote:

I don't know much from spring integration, but it will probably not fit
our existing event system.

On 30/01/12 10:14, Dhrubo wrote:

Can we use something like an integration pack for example Spring
integration which has spring imap support? But offcourse event is

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 2:08 PM, 


  Does anybody have any input to this?

I'm now creating my CustomMailboxListener with a 1 parameter
constructor, which is the MailboxManager, so I can access the

Not sure on the questions I asked before yet, though.

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 6:05 PM, 

Ok, I have been playing around a bit with this.

I added the listener through the Spring XML files and now I receive
the events in my listener. It's working great.

When event.getSession().getType().**equals(SessionType.System), the

e-mail is being handled/received/modified through SMTP, right?
Otherwise it's user, which is the user doing some actions himself,

So this way I could check if a user is dragging an e-mail inside his
INBOX, or it's a message received by SMTP.

Because when a user is dragging an e-mail inside his INBOX, I need to
sync this back to our CRM, so I can make the message there, too.

Also, I was wondering what would be the best way to query the mailbox.
For example, when I receive a message in the listener, could I use the
event.getSession().**getAttributes().get("**MESSAGEMAPPER") safely?

mentioned this class isn't thread safe. But I need to be able to fetch
the full message including headers and everything, so I can sync it to
our CRM.

Also, I was wondering what would be the best way to do the status
updates from our CRM. Because when I make an IMAP session and mark a
message read, the listener receives it and syncs it back to our CRM.
That way I'm doing double syncing, which isn't what we want of course.

Could I check for example the host name inside the public void
event(Event event)? I cannot seem to find any methods or properties
that would give me a context containing these details.

I also saw a createSystemSession()-method on the MailboxManager. I'm
not sure how to access this MailboxManager though. I could register it
to some class using the spring beans (or even my listener class), but
I don't think that would be a good idea. I could set up something
using JMS messaging so a class inside JAMES would be receiving
messages through JMS and then update the mailbox. Though I think there
must be a better way, but I cannot seem to find it yet.

I hope you guys could give me a bit more insight on how to do this.
Not asking for complete solutions. :) I just don't know where to look
yet. :)

Thanks for the help so far, much appreciated.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Norman Maurer
<>     wrote:

Hi there,

you can register a MailboxListener in the MailboxManager instance and
so get notifications about mailbox events. This should do the job.

Have a look here:**james/mailbox/trunk/api/src/**




Let me know if you need more info..


2012/1/26 l0c4l h0st<>**:


What I'm trying to do is capture events that the IMAP-server should
(or is supposed to) raise.

Whenever a message gets marked as read, I want to get a notification
of this event.
Whenever a message gets marked as unread, I want to get a notification
of this event.
Whenever a message gets flagged, I want to get a notification of this


Etc. etc.

Whenever a user moves a message to a different IMAP folder, I want to
get a notification of this event.
Whenever a user deletes a message to a different IMAP folder, I want
to get a notification of this event.
Whenever a user copies a message to a different IMAP folder, I want to
get a notification of this event.

Right now, I don't see any way of doing this. I thought this would be
possible with the Matchers and Mailets, but I don't see how this would
be possible.

I can define a custom mailet, that matches on ALL, when I add this
mailet in the root- and transport-processors, I get notifications only
of mail that arrives through SMTP and mail that is sent through SMTP.

Am I missing the IMAP way of doing this? Or is there currently no way
of doing this with IMAP?

I've tried searching through the code, but I don't see any event
listeners or anything that would be triggered. I did find
ImapStateAwareMailboxListener, but I cannot find how to subscribe to
this event or anything.

Also, I found the UpdatedFlags class, but there is no notification
sent anywhere.

How can I get a notification of every single change that is made to a
message in IMAP? IMAP is currently most important for us.

The reason I want to do this is we have a custom CRM tool that has a
custom mail database and we want to slowly migrate to a real
mailserver, we thought of using Apache JAMES to do synchronisation,
because at this time we cannot yet realize a full migration. We want
to do this in steps.

My ultimate goal, regarding synchronisation, is to receive all events
that are occurring in the IMAP part of JAMES, so we can update the
status of the messages in our CRM-tool. My goal is also to synchronize
changes in the CRM-tool back to IMAP-JAMES. But this can easily be
done through an IMAP-session. That shouldn't be a problem.

I hope anyone can help me out on this, because I find a lack of
documentation regarding this subject.

Right now, the only way of doing this seems to me creating database
triggers (we're using this with PostgreSQL).

Thank you in advance.

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