 I want to introduce myself to you guys at first. My nickname is Echo, come 
from China. I will graduate from Chinese Academy of Sciences with master degree 
on July this year. There will be a lot of spare time to spend before work in a 
software company I think. 
 While coding for an open source community is so cool during the the interval, 
from my point of view, you can not just fetch more programming, communicating, 
learning skills, but also the attitude of contribution to a group which I think 
is the best quality for a human being, especially an open-minded programmer.
 The best programming language I 'm familiar with is Java, with several 
projects I have been attending:
 B3log Guangdong Telecom Open Library Beijing GNOME User Group etc. Also I had 
the intern experience in SUN MicroSystem(now Oracle) about 4 months, I like 
their engineering air actually.
 Besides, I always interested in all kinds of FOSS, as well as close 
interaction with BJGUG Open Party B3log and so forth.
 As a last year's(four moths exactly) student, I'm going to apply for a project 
of GSoC 2012, based on my own capability and interested aspects. To become a 
persist commiter is my final aim. And I am practicing AGILE development now, 
familiar with TDD, Refactoring and something like that.

And sure I am very interested in this project, and actually find some features 
to be implemented such as: Draft and so forth. 
Hope your earlier reply.
Thanks a lot.

from hupa

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