Hello James devs!

So our custom implementation of James is truckin' along and we started running 
load tests.  Despite hundreds of connections I can't seem to get James' IMAP 
service to utilize more than 60% (usually hovers around 50%) cpu.  This could 
be due to our custom implementation but I was wondering if there were any 
parameters I could set that could help me tune the service?

I do see ioWorkerCount and maxExecutorCount but these don't seem to change CPU 
usage for me.  Any suggestions would be great!

Unfortunately I have yet to get around to figuring out what was wrong with the 
COMPRESS option for IMAP.  Partially due to lack of time (we can deal with no 
compression for now) and partially due to my newbiness.  I tried to grok the 
code for COMPRESS but was left kind of confused.  I tried to follow the chain 
of command but for some reason could not find where the compression was 
actually handled.  Could someone point out the class that actually does the 
compress and decompress?


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