I suppose you have downloaded and compiled
the apache-james-3.0-beta4-source-release.zip [1] from the download page
[2]. It includes just a maven module (server/app) which bring together
other james modules and assembles them into a bundle which can be run

After running `mvn package` in this project you will get the deliverable
 `target/apache-james-3.0-beta4-app.zip` and if you dive into it you will
see a lot of `*james*.jar` libraries downloaded from the apache maven
repository. Normally those libraries belongs to different james modules or

So if you want to compile each james component you have to download
separately each of them from the james svn repo, as you can see in [3], you
have a set of folders which you have to checkout an compile one by one.
`server/trunk` contains almost the needed modules for the distributable
server bundle, but apart from it you should download `mailbox/trunk` and

- Manolo

[2] http://james.apache.org/download.cgi#Apache_James_Server
[3] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/james/server/trunk/

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 8:17 PM, scott gardner <scyl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I might be missing something obvious, if so, please forgive my ignorance. I
> have checked out the Beta 4 release sources and gotten the build to work
> from the parent project directory. I have also downloaded the the binary.
> How does one go from the source build to the binary release. There is a
> very large set of files in the binary that are nowhere to be found in the
> sources.
> If it is documented somewhere, please provide a link. If it is not
> documented anywhere, if someone can provide some instructions I would be
> happy to write it up for future users.
> Thanks,
> scott
> --
> ======================================================
> scott m gardner
> scyl...@gmail.com
> gryphon_...@yahoo.com
  • building James scott gardner
    • Re: building James Manuel Carrasco Moñino

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