I guess Hupa can also be migrated to git. Need manolo's confirm.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Eric Charles <e...@apache.org> wrote:

> Will open a few INFRA JIRA for this and begin migrating wiki to website.
> For Hupa, there is still some recent activity. Manolo, Echo, Emma, dongxu,
> what are your plans for Hupa?
> On 06/06/16 16:57, Ioan Eugen Stan wrote:
>> Hello Eric,
>> On 29.05.2016 10:39, Eric Charles wrote:
>>> Looking at the git repos:
>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?a=project_list&s=james&btnS=Search
>>> + james-jdkim.git
>>> + james-jsieve.git
>>> + james-jspf.git
>>> + james-mime4j.git
>>> + james-postage.git
>>> + james-project.git
>>> https://github.com/apache/?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=james
>>> + james-project
>>> + james-mime4j
>>> + james-jsieve
>>> + james-jdkim
>>> + james-postage
>>> + james-jspf
>>> + james (*)
>>> + james-mpt (*)
>>> + james-mailbox (*)
>>> + james-protocols (*)
>>> + james-mailet (*)
>>> + james-hupa (**)
>>> + james-app (*)
>>> + james-imap (*)
>>> (*) I propose to ask infra to remove the ones listed with a (*)
>> I agree with cleaning things up. If users can contribute to those
>> projects via another path (and I saw a lot of projects are merged in the
>> james-project), please go for it.
>> Keep it simple :).
>> A special case the james-hupa - Should we migrate it also to git?
>> Seems kind of dead. I would migrate it out of principle or ignore it
>> alltogether. If there are no users, we could reitre it. WDYT?
>>> About the doc, I see for example
>>> http://james.apache.org/server/3/dev-build.html which is well updated.
>>> However http://james.apache.org/mime4j/start/build.html still refers to
>>> the svn tree.
>>> What about http://james.apache.org/contribute.html where we could also
>>> introduce the different repositories and explain the overall
>>> architecture of the James project and how we accept pull requests from
>>> github.
>>> Any thoughts?
>> The website needs a lot of love. Thank you for taking your time to go
>> through all these tasks that need to be done.
>> Regards,
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