Le 26/07/2016 à 09:54, Bernd Waibel a écrit :
Hello Matthieu,

correct, the james-server project does use javax.mail.
But I am talking about the "Apache jsieve" project.
Yes, I know
The pom.xml of james-server-mailets 
(james-project/server/mailet/mailets/pom.xml) does have a dependency to 
apache-jsieve-mailet. Line 76.
Also the pom.xml of james-server (james-project/server/pom.xml) does have a 
dependency to apache-jsieve-mailet. Line 873.

The apache-jsieve-mailet 
(https://github.com/apache/james-jsieve/blob/master/mailet/pom.xml) does define a 
dependency to: <artifactId>${javax.mail.artifactId}</artifactId>
The parent of the mailet is "apache-jsieve" 
(https://github.com/apache/james-jsieve/blob/master/pom.xml), which defines:
So jSieve still uses geronimo.
Is this correct?
Of course
So when doing a maven build, you get a dependency to geronimo. Due to this 
fact, the maven build will bundle the mail jar AND (!) the geronimo jar.
This seems to be wrong. Just my opinion.
I agree
The JSieve Project is a James project 
So I kindly ask to manage the jSieve project, and switch from geronimo to 
I could not provide a tested patch here, I do not use jSieve, and we do not 
have experience with jSieve.

What do you think?
a) Should jsieve switch to geronimo?
b) If yes, can you or someone else change and test this?
If you propose a PR, we'll test it and will do the merge.
c) If no, do you want to use both java-mail implementations? Or should a copy 
process remove the geronimo files from deployment?

Matthieu Baechler

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