diff --git a/src/site/resources/js/galleria/galleria.js 
deleted file mode 100644
index 635fb92..0000000
--- a/src/site/resources/js/galleria/galleria.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3765 +0,0 @@
- * Galleria v 1.2 prerelease 1.1 2010-11-04
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010, Aino
- * Licensed under the MIT license.
- */
-(function($) {
-// some references
-var undef,
-    window = this,
-    doc    = document,
-    $doc   = $( doc );
-// internal constants
-var DEBUG = false,
-    NAV   = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
-    HASH  = window.location.hash.replace(/#\//, ''),
-    CLICK = function() {
-        // use this to make touch devices snappier
-        return Galleria.TOUCH ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
-    },
-    IE    = (function() {
-        var v = 3,
-            div = doc.createElement( 'div' );
-        while (
-            div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE '+(++v)+']><i></i><![endif]-->',
-            div.getElementsByTagName('i')[0]
-        );
-        return v > 4 ? v : undef;
-    }() ),
-    DOM   = function() {
-        return {
-            html:  doc.documentElement,
-            body:  doc.body,
-            head:  doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
-            title: doc.title
-        };
-    },
-    // the internal timeouts object
-    // provides helper methods for controlling timeouts
-    _timeouts = {
-        trunk: {},
-        add: function( id, fn, delay, loop ) {
-            loop = loop || false;
-            this.clear( id );
-            if ( loop ) {
-                var old = fn;
-                fn = function() {
-                    old();
-                    _timeouts.add( id, fn, delay );
-                };
-            }
-            this.trunk[ id ] = window.setTimeout( fn, delay );
-        },
-        clear: function( id ) {
-            var del = function( i ) {
-                window.clearTimeout( this.trunk[ i ] );
-                delete this.trunk[ i ];
-            };
-            if ( !!id && id in this.trunk ) {
-       _timeouts, id );
-            } else if ( typeof id == 'undefined' ) {
-                for ( var i in this.trunk ) {
-           _timeouts, i );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    // the internal gallery holder
-    _galleries = [],
-    // the transitions holder
-    _transitions = {
-        fade: function(params, complete) {
-            $('opacity', 0).show().animate({
-                opacity: 1
-            }, params.speed, complete);
-            if (params.prev) {
-                $(params.prev).css('opacity', 1).show().animate({
-                    opacity: 0
-                }, params.speed);
-            }
-        },
-        flash: function(params, complete) {
-            $('opacity', 0);
-            if (params.prev) {
-                $(params.prev).animate({
-                    opacity: 0
-                }, (params.speed / 2), function() {
-                    $({
-                        opacity: 1
-                    }, params.speed, complete);
-                });
-            } else {
-                $({
-                    opacity: 1
-                }, params.speed, complete);
-            }
-        },
-        pulse: function(params, complete) {
-            if (params.prev) {
-                $(params.prev).hide();
-            }
-            $('opacity', 0).animate({
-                opacity:1
-            }, params.speed, complete);
-        },
-        slide: function(params, complete) {
-            var image  = $(,
-                images = this.$('images'), // ??
-                width  = this._stageWidth,
-                easing = this.getOptions( 'easing' );
-            image.css({
-                left: width * ( params.rewind ? -1 : 1 )
-            });
-            images.animate({
-                left: width * ( params.rewind ? 1 : -1 )
-            }, {
-                duration: params.speed,
-                queue: false,
-                easing: easing,
-                complete: function() {
-                    images.css('left', 0);
-                    image.css('left', 0);
-                    complete();
-                }
-            });
-        },
-        fadeslide: function(params, complete) {
-            var x = 0,
-                easing = this.getOptions('easing'),
-                distance = this.getStageWidth();
-            if (params.prev) {
-                x = Utils.parseValue( $(params.prev).css('left') );
-                $(params.prev).css({
-                    opacity: 1,
-                    left: x
-                }).animate({
-                    opacity: 0,
-                    left: x + ( distance * ( params.rewind ? 1 : -1 ) )
-                },{
-                    duration: params.speed,
-                    queue: false,
-                    easing: easing
-                });
-            }
-            x = Utils.parseValue( $('left') );
-            $({
-                left: x + ( distance * ( params.rewind ? -1 : 1 ) ),
-                opacity: 0
-            }).animate({
-                opacity: 1,
-                left: x
-            }, {
-                duration: params.speed,
-                complete: complete,
-                queue: false,
-                easing: easing
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    // the Utils singleton
-    Utils = (function() {
-        return {
-            array : function( obj ) {
-                return;
-            },
-            create : function( className, nodeName ) {
-                nodeName = nodeName || 'div';
-                var elem = doc.createElement( nodeName );
-                elem.className = className;
-                return elem;
-            },
-            forceStyles : function( elem, styles ) {
-                elem = $(elem);
-                if ( elem.attr( 'style' ) ) {
-           'styles', elem.attr( 'style' ) ).removeAttr( 
'style' );
-                }
-                elem.css( styles );
-            },
-            revertStyles : function() {
-                $.each( Utils.array( arguments ), function( i, elem ) {
-                    elem = $( elem ).removeAttr( 'style' );
-                    if ( 'styles' ) ) {
-                        elem.attr( 'style','styles') ).data( 
'styles', null );
-                    }
-                });
-            },
-            moveOut : function( elem ) {
-                Utils.forceStyles( elem, {
-                    position: 'absolute',
-                    left: -10000
-                });
-            },
-            moveIn : function() {
-                Utils.revertStyles.apply( Utils, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-            },
-            hide : function( elem, speed, callback ) {
-                elem = $(elem);
-                // save the value if not exist
-                if (!'opacity') ) {
-          'opacity', elem.css('opacity') );
-                }
-                // always hide
-                var style = { opacity: 0 };
-                if (speed) {
-                    elem.stop().animate( style, speed, callback );
-                } else {
-                    elem.css( style );
-                };
-            },
-            show : function( elem, speed, callback ) {
-                elem = $(elem);
-                // bring back saved opacity
-                var saved = parseFloat('opacity') ) || 1,
-                    style = { opacity: saved };
-                // reset save if opacity == 1
-                if (saved == 1) {
-          'opacity', null);
-                }
-                // animate or toggle
-                if (speed) {
-                    elem.stop().animate( style, speed, callback );
-                } else {
-                    elem.css( style );
-                };
-            },
-            addTimer : function() {
-                _timeouts.add.apply( _timeouts, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-                return this;
-            },
-            clearTimer : function() {
-                _timeouts.clear.apply( _timeouts, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-                return this;
-            },
-            wait : function(options) {
-                options = $.extend({
-                    until : function() { return false; },
-                    success : function() {},
-                    error : function() { Galleria.raise('Could not complete 
wait function.'); },
-                    timeout: 3000
-                }, options);
-                var start = Utils.timestamp(),
-                    elapsed,
-                    now;
-                window.setTimeout(function() {
-                    now = Utils.timestamp();
-                    elapsed = now - start;
-                    if ( options.until( elapsed ) ) {
-                        options.success();
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    if (now >= start + options.timeout) {
-                        options.error();
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, 2);
-                }, 2);
-            },
-            toggleQuality : function( img, force ) {
-                if ( !( IE == 7 || IE == 8 ) || !!img === false ) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if ( typeof force === 'undefined' ) {
-                    force = == 
-                }
-       = force ? 'bicubic' : 
-            },
-            insertStyleTag : function( styles ) {
-                var style = doc.createElement( 'style' );
-                DOM().head.appendChild( style );
-                if ( style.styleSheet ) { // IE
-                    style.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
-                } else {
-                    var cssText = doc.createTextNode( styles );
-                    style.appendChild( cssText );
-                }
-            },
-            // a loadscript method that works for local scripts
-            loadScript: function( url, callback ) {
-                var done = false,
-                    script = $('<scr'+'ipt>').attr({
-                        src: url,
-                        async: true
-                    }).get(0);
-               // Attach handlers for all browsers
-               script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
-                   if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
-                       this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 
'complete') ) {
-                       done = true;
-                       if (typeof callback == 'function') {
-                  this, this );
-                       }
-                       // Handle memory leak in IE
-                       script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
-                   }
-               };
-               var s = doc.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[0];
-               s.parentNode.insertBefore( script, s );
-            },
-            // parse anything into a number
-            parseValue: function( val ) {
-                if (typeof val == 'number') {
-                    return val;
-                } else if (typeof val == 'string') {
-                    var arr = val.match(/\-?\d/g);
-                    return arr && arr.constructor == Array ? arr.join('') * 1 
: 0;
-                } else {
-                    return 0;
-                }
-            },
-            // timestamp abstraction
-            timestamp: function() {
-                return new Date().getTime();
-            },
-            // this is pretty crap, but works for now
-            // it will add a callback, but it can't guarantee that the styles 
can be fetched
-            // using getComputedStyle further checking needed, possibly a 
dummy element
-            loadCSS : function( href, id, callback ) {
-                var link,
-                    ready = false,
-                    length;
-                // look for manual css
-                $('link[rel=stylesheet]').each(function() {
-                    if ( new RegExp( href ).test( this.href ) ) {
-                        link = this;
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                });
-                if ( typeof id == 'function' ) {
-                    callback = id;
-                    id = undef;
-                }
-                callback = callback || function() {}; // dirty
-                // if already present, return
-                if ( link ) {
-           link, link );
-                    return link;
-                }
-                // save the length of stylesheets to check against
-                length = doc.styleSheets.length;
-                // add timestamp if DEBUG is true
-                if ( DEBUG ) {
-                    href += '?' + Utils.timestamp();
-                }
-                // check for existing id
-                if( $('#'+id).length ) {
-                    $('#'+id).attr('href', href);
-                    length--;
-                    ready = true;
-                } else {
-                    link = $( '<link>' ).attr({
-                        rel: 'stylesheet',
-                        href: href,
-                        id: id
-                    }).get(0);
-                    window.setTimeout(function() {
-                        var styles = $('link[rel="stylesheet"], style');
-                        if ( styles.length ) {
-                            styles.get(0).parentNode.insertBefore( link, 
styles[0] );
-                        } else {
-                            DOM().head.appendChild( link );
-                        }
-                        if ( IE ) {
-                            link.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', 
function(e) {
-                                if( link.readyState == 'complete' ) {
-                                    ready = true;
-                                }
-                            });
-                        } else {
-                            // what to do here? returning for now.
-                            ready = true;
-                        }
-                    }, 10);
-                }
-                if (typeof callback == 'function') {
-                    Utils.wait({
-                        until: function() {
-                            return ready && doc.styleSheets.length > length;
-                        },
-                        success: function() {
-                            Utils.addTimer( 'css', function() {
-                       link, link );
-                            }, 100);
-                        },
-                        error: function() {
-                            Galleria.raise( 'Theme CSS could not load' );
-                        },
-                        timeout: 1000
-                    });
-                }
-                return link;
-            }
-        };
-    })();
-    The main Galleria class
-    @class
-    @example var gallery = new Galleria();
-    @author
-    @requires jQuery
-    @returns {Galleria}
-Galleria = function() {
-    var self = this;
-    // the theme used
-    this._theme = undef;
-    // internal options
-    this._options = {};
-    // flag for controlling play/pause
-    this._playing = false;
-    // internal interval for slideshow
-    this._playtime = 5000;
-    // internal variable for the currently active image
-    this._active = null;
-    // the internal queue, arrayified
-    this._queue = { length: 0 };
-    // the internal data array
-    this._data = [];
-    // the internal dom collection
-    this._dom = {};
-    // the internal thumbnails array
-    this._thumbnails = [];
-    // internal init flag
-    this._initialized = false;
-    // global stagewidth/height
-    this._stageWidth = 0;
-    this._stageHeight = 0;
-    // target holder
-    this._target = undef;
-    // instance id
-    this._id = Utils.timestamp();
-    // add some elements
-    var divs =  'container stage images image-nav image-nav-left 
image-nav-right ' +
-                'info info-text info-title info-description info-author ' +
-                'thumbnails thumbnails-list thumbnails-container 
thumb-nav-left thumb-nav-right ' +
-                'loader counter tooltip',
-        spans = 'current total';
-    $.each( divs.split(' '), function( i, elemId ) {
-        self._dom[ elemId ] = Utils.create( 'galleria-' + elemId );
-    });
-    $.each( spans.split(' '), function( i, elemId ) {
-        self._dom[ elemId ] = Utils.create( 'galleria-' + elemId, 'span' );
-    });
-    // the internal keyboard object
-    // keeps reference of the keybinds and provides helper methods for binding 
-    var keyboard = this._keyboard = {
-        keys : {
-            'UP': 38,
-            'DOWN': 40,
-            'LEFT': 37,
-            'RIGHT': 39,
-            'RETURN': 13,
-            'ESCAPE': 27,
-            'BACKSPACE': 8,
-            'SPACE': 32
-        },
-        map : {},
-        bound: false,
-        press: function(e) {
-            var key = e.keyCode || e.which;
-            if ( key in && typeof[key] == 'function' 
) {
-      [key].call(self, e);
-            }
-        },
-        attach: function(map) {
-            for( var key in map ) {
-                var up = key.toUpperCase();
-                if ( up in keyboard.keys ) {
-          [ keyboard.keys[up] ] = map[key];
-                }
-            }
-            if ( !keyboard.bound ) {
-                keyboard.bound = true;
-                $doc.bind('keydown',;
-            }
-        },
-        detach: function() {
-            keyboard.bound = false;
-            $doc.unbind('keydown',;
-        }
-    };
-    // internal controls for keeping track of active / inactive images
-    var controls = this._controls = {
-        0: undef,
-        1: undef,
-        active : 0,
-        swap : function() {
-   = ? 0 : 1;
-        },
-        getActive : function() {
-            return controls[ ];
-        },
-        getNext : function() {
-            return controls[ 1 - ];
-        }
-    };
-    // internal carousel object
-    var carousel = this._carousel = {
-        // shortcuts
-        next: self.$('thumb-nav-right'),
-        prev: self.$('thumb-nav-left'),
-        // cache the width
-        width: 0,
-        // track the current position
-        current: 0,
-        // cache max value
-        max: 0,
-        // save all hooks for each width in an array
-        hooks: [],
-        // update the carousel
-        // you can run this method anytime, f.ex on window.resize
-        update: function() {
-            var w = 0,
-                h = 0,
-                hooks = [0];
-            $.each( self._thumbnails, function( i, thumb ) {
-                if ( thumb.ready ) {
-                    w += thumb.outerWidth || $( thumb.container ).outerWidth( 
true );
-                    hooks[ i+1 ] = w;
-                    h = Math.max( h, thumb.outerHeight || $( 
thumb.container).outerHeight() );
-                }
-            });
-            self.$( 'thumbnails-container' ).toggleClass( 'galleria-carousel', 
w > self._stageWidth );
-            self.$( 'thumbnails' ).css({
-                width: w,
-                height: h
-            });
-            carousel.max = w;
-            carousel.hooks = hooks;
-            carousel.width = self.$( 'thumbnails-list' ).width();
-            carousel.setClasses();
-            // todo: fix so the carousel moves to the left
-        },
-        bindControls: function() {
-   CLICK(), function(e) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                if ( self._options.carousel_steps == 'auto' ) {
-                    for ( var i = carousel.current; i < carousel.hooks.length; 
i++ ) {
-                        if ( carousel.hooks[i] - carousel.hooks[ 
carousel.current ] > carousel.width ) {
-                            carousel.set(i - 2);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    carousel.set( carousel.current + 
-                }
-            });
-            carousel.prev.bind( CLICK(), function(e) {
-                e.preventDefault();
-                if ( self._options.carousel_steps == 'auto' ) {
-                    for ( var i = carousel.current; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-                        if ( carousel.hooks[ carousel.current ] - 
carousel.hooks[i] > carousel.width ) {
-                            carousel.set( i + 2 );
-                            break;
-                        } else if ( i == 0 ) {
-                            carousel.set( 0 );
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    carousel.set( carousel.current - 
self._options.carousel_steps );
-                }
-            });
-        },
-        // calculate and set positions
-        set: function( i ) {
-            i = Math.max( i, 0 );
-            while ( carousel.hooks[i - 1] + carousel.width > carousel.max && i 
>= 0 ) {
-                i--;
-            }
-            carousel.current = i;
-            carousel.animate();
-        },
-        // get the last position
-        getLast: function(i) {
-            return ( i || carousel.current ) - 1;
-        },
-        // follow the active image
-        follow: function(i) {
-            //don't follow if position fits
-            if ( i == 0 || i == carousel.hooks.length - 2 ) {
-                carousel.set( i );
-                return;
-            }
-            // calculate last position
-            var last = carousel.current;
-            while( carousel.hooks[last] - carousel.hooks[ carousel.current ] <
-                   carousel.width && last <= carousel.hooks.length ) {
-                last ++;
-            }
-            // set position
-            if ( i - 1 < carousel.current ) {
-                carousel.set( i - 1 );
-            } else if ( i + 2 > last) {
-                carousel.set( i - last + carousel.current + 2 );
-            }
-        },
-        // helper for setting disabled classes
-        setClasses: function() {
-            carousel.prev.toggleClass( 'disabled', !carousel.current );
-   'disabled', carousel.hooks[ 
carousel.current ] + carousel.width > carousel.max );
-        },
-        // the animation method
-        animate: function(to) {
-            carousel.setClasses();
-            var num = carousel.hooks[ carousel.current ] * -1;
-            if ( isNaN( num ) ) {
-                return;
-            }
-            self.$( 'thumbnails' ).animate({
-                left: num
-            },{
-                duration: self._options.carousel_speed,
-                easing: self._options.easing,
-                queue: false
-            });
-        }
-    };
-    // tooltip control
-    // added in 1.2
-    var tooltip = this._tooltip = {
-        initialized : false,
-        active: null,
-        open: false,
-        init: function() {
-            tooltip.initialized = true;
-            var css = '.galleria-tooltip{padding:3px 
-                      'opacity:0;box-shadow:0 0 2px 
rgba(0,0,0,.4);-moz-box-shadow:0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4);-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 
2px rgba(0,0,0,.4);}';
-            Utils.insertStyleTag(css);
-            self.$( 'tooltip' ).css('opacity', .8);
-            Utils.hide( self.get('tooltip') );
-        },
-        // move handler
-        move: function( e ) {
-            var mouseX = self.getMousePosition(e).x,
-                mouseY = self.getMousePosition(e).y,
-                $elem = self.$( 'tooltip' ),
-                x = mouseX,
-                y = mouseY,
-                height = $elem.outerHeight( true ) + 1,
-                width = $elem.outerWidth( true ),
-                limitY = height + 15;
-            var maxX = self._stageWidth - width,
-                maxY = self._stageHeight - height;
-            if ( !isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y) ) {
-                x += 15;
-                y -= 35;
-                x = Math.max( 0, Math.min( maxX, x ) );
-                y = Math.max( 0, Math.min( maxY, y ) );
-                if( mouseY < limitY ) {
-                    y = limitY;
-                }
-                $elem.css({ left: x, top: y });
-            }
-        },
-        // bind elements to the tooltip
-        // you can bind multiple elementIDs using { elemID : function } or { 
elemID : string }
-        // you can also bind single DOM elements using bind(elem, string)
-        bind: function( elem, value ) {
-            if (! tooltip.initialized ) {
-                tooltip.init();
-            }
-            var hover = function( elem, value) {
-                tooltip.define( elem, value );
-                $( elem ).hover(function() {
-           = elem;
-                    Utils.clearTimer('switch_tooltip');
-                    self.$('container').unbind( 'mousemove', tooltip.move 
).bind( 'mousemove', tooltip.move ).trigger( 'mousemove' );
-           elem );
-                    Galleria.utils.addTimer( 'tooltip', function() {
-                        self.$( 'tooltip' ).stop();
-               self.get( 'tooltip' ), 400 );
-               = true;
-                    }, ? 0 : 1000);
-                }, function() {
-           = null;
-                    self.$( 'container' ).unbind( 'mousemove', tooltip.move );
-                    Utils.clearTimer( 'tooltip' );
-                    Utils.hide( self.get( 'tooltip' ), 200, function() {
-                        Utils.addTimer('switch_tooltip', function() {
-                   = false;
-                        }, 1000);
-                    });
-                });
-            };
-            if (typeof value == 'string') {
-                hover( ( elem in self._dom ? self.get(elem) : elem ), value );
-            } else {
-                // asume elemID here
-                $.each( elem, function( elemID, val ) {
-                    hover( self.get(elemID), val );
-                });
-            }
-        },
-        show: function( elem ) {
-            var text = $(elem).data('tt');
-            if ( ! text ) {
-                return;
-            }
-            text = typeof text == 'function' ? text() : text;
-            self.$( 'tooltip' ).html( text.replace(/\s/, '&nbsp;') );
-        },
-        // redefine the tooltip here
-        define: function( elem, value ) {
-            // we store functions, not strings
-            if (typeof value !== 'function') {
-                var s = value;
-                value = function() {
-                    return s;
-                };
-            }
-            if ( elem in self._dom ) {
-                elem = self.get( elem );
-            }
-            $(elem).data('tt', value);
-   elem );
-        },
-        refresh: function() {
-            $.each( arguments, function(i, elem) {
-                if ( == elem ) {
-           elem );
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    };
-    // internal fullscreen control
-    // added in 1.195
-    // still kind of experimental
-    var fullscreen = this._fullscreen = {
-        scrolled: 0,
-        enter: function(callback) {
-            // hide the image until rescale is complete
-            Utils.hide( self.getActiveImage() );
-            self.$( 'container' ).addClass( 'fullscreen' );
-            fullscreen.scrolled = $(window).scrollTop();
-            // begin styleforce
-            Utils.forceStyles(self.get('container'), {
-                position: 'fixed',
-                top: 0,
-                left: 0,
-                width: '100%',
-                height: '100%',
-                zIndex: 10000
-            });
-            var htmlbody = {
-                height: '100%',
-                overflow: 'hidden',
-                margin:0,
-                padding:0
-            };
-            Utils.forceStyles( DOM().html, htmlbody );
-            Utils.forceStyles( DOM().body, htmlbody );
-            // attach some keys
-            self.attachKeyboard({
-                escape: self.exitFullscreen,
-                right:,
-                left: self.prev
-            });
-            // init the first rescale and attach callbacks
-            self.rescale(function() {
-                Utils.addTimer('fullscreen_enter', function() {
-                    // show the image after 50 ms
-           self.getActiveImage() );
-                    if (typeof callback == 'function') {
-               self );
-                    }
-                }, 100);
-                self.trigger( Galleria.FULLSCREEN_ENTER );
-            });
-            // bind the scaling to the resize event
-            $(window).resize( function() {
-                fullscreen.scale();
-            } );
-        },
-        scale : function() {
-            self.rescale();
-        },
-        exit: function(callback) {
-            Utils.hide( self.getActiveImage() );
-            self.$('container').removeClass( 'fullscreen' );
-            // revert all styles
-            Utils.revertStyles( self.get('container'), DOM().html, DOM().body 
-            // scroll back
-            window.scrollTo(0, fullscreen.scrolled);
-            // detach all keyboard events (is this good?)
-            self.detachKeyboard();
-            self.rescale(function() {
-                Utils.addTimer('fullscreen_exit', function() {
-                    // show the image after 50 ms
-           self.getActiveImage() );
-                    if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) {
-               self );
-                    }
-                }, 50);
-                self.trigger( Galleria.FULLSCREEN_EXIT );
-            });
-            $(window).unbind('resize', fullscreen.scale);
-        }
-    };
-    // the internal idle object for controlling idle states
-    // TODO occational event conflicts
-    var idle = this._idle = {
-        trunk: [],
-        bound: false,
-        add: function(elem, to) {
-            if (!elem) {
-                return;
-            }
-            if (!idle.bound) {
-                idle.addEvent();
-            }
-            elem = $(elem);
-            var from = {};
-            for (var style in to) {
-                from[style] = elem.css(style);
-            }
-  'idle', {
-                from: from,
-                to: to,
-                complete: true,
-                busy: false
-            });
-            idle.addTimer();
-            idle.trunk.push(elem);
-        },
-        remove: function(elem) {
-            elem = jQuery(elem);
-            $.each(idle.trunk, function(i, el) {
-                if ( el.length && !el.not(elem).length ) {
-          ;
-                    self._idle.trunk.splice(i, 1);
-                }
-            });
-            if (!idle.trunk.length) {
-                idle.removeEvent();
-                Utils.clearTimer('idle');
-            }
-        },
-        addEvent : function() {
-            idle.bound = true;
-            self.$('container').bind('mousemove click', idle.showAll );
-        },
-        removeEvent : function() {
-            idle.bound = false;
-            self.$('container').unbind('mousemove click', idle.showAll );
-        },
-        addTimer : function() {
-            Utils.addTimer('idle', function() {
-                self._idle.hide();
-            }, self._options.idle_time );
-        },
-        hide : function() {
-            self.trigger( Galleria.IDLE_ENTER );
-            $.each( idle.trunk, function(i, elem) {
-                var data ='idle');
-                if (! data) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                data.complete = false;
-                elem.stop().animate(, {
-                    duration: 600,
-                    queue: false,
-                    easing: 'swing'
-                });
-            });
-        },
-        showAll : function() {
-            Utils.clearTimer('idle');
-            $.each(self._idle.trunk, function( i, elem ) {
-       elem );
-            });
-        },
-        show: function(elem) {
-            var data ='idle');
-            if (!data.busy && !data.complete) {
-                data.busy = true;
-                self.trigger( Galleria.IDLE_EXIT );
-                elem.animate(data.from, {
-                    duration: 300,
-                    queue: false,
-                    easing: 'swing',
-                    complete: function() {
-                        $(this).data('idle').busy = false;
-                        $(this).data('idle').complete = true;
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-            idle.addTimer();
-        }
-    };
-    // internal lightbox object
-    // creates a predesigned lightbox for simple popups of images in galleria
-    var lightbox = this._lightbox = {
-        width : 0,
-        height : 0,
-        initialized : false,
-        active : null,
-        image : null,
-        elems : {},
-        init : function() {
-            // trigger the event
-            self.trigger( Galleria.LIGHTBOX_OPEN );
-            if ( lightbox.initialized ) {
-                return;
-            }
-            lightbox.initialized = true;
-            // create some elements to work with
-            var elems = 'overlay box content shadow title info close 
prevholder prev nextholder next counter image',
-                el = {},
-                op = self._options,
-                css = '',
-                cssMap = {
-                    overlay:    
-                    box:        
-                    shadow:     
-                    content:    
-                    info:       
-                    close:      
-                    image:      
-                    prevholder: 
-                    nextholder: 
-                    prev:       
-                    next:       
-                    title:      'float:left',
-                    counter:    'float:right;margin-left:8px'
-                },
-                hover = function(elem) {
-                    return elem.hover(
-                        function() { $(this).css( 'color', '#bbb' ); },
-                        function() { $(this).css( 'color', '#444' ); }
-                    );
-                };
-            // create and insert CSS
-            $.each(cssMap, function( key, value ) {
-                css += '.galleria-lightbox-'+key+'{'+value+'}';
-            });
-            Utils.insertStyleTag( css );
-            // create the elements
-            $.each(elems.split(' '), function( i, elemId ) {
-                self.addElement( 'lightbox-' + elemId );
-                el[ elemId ] = lightbox.elems[ elemId ] = self.get( 
'lightbox-' + elemId );
-            });
-            // initiate the image
-            lightbox.image = new Galleria.Picture();
-            // append the elements
-            self.append({
-                'lightbox-box': ['lightbox-shadow','lightbox-content', 
-                'lightbox-info': ['lightbox-title','lightbox-counter'],
-                'lightbox-content': ['lightbox-info', 'lightbox-image'],
-                'lightbox-prevholder': 'lightbox-prev',
-                'lightbox-nextholder': 'lightbox-next'
-            });
-            $( el.image ).append( lightbox.image.container );
-            $( DOM().body ).append( el.overlay, );
-            // add the prev/next nav and bind some controls
-            hover( $( el.close ).bind( CLICK(), lightbox.hide ).html('&#215;') 
-            $.each( ['Prev','Next'], function(i, dir) {
-                var $d = $( el[ dir.toLowerCase() ] ).html( /v/.test( dir ) ? 
'‹&nbsp;' : '&nbsp;›' );
-                $( el[ dir.toLowerCase()+'holder'] ).hover(function() {
-                    $;
-                }, function() {
-                    $d.fadeOut( 200 );
-                }).bind( CLICK(), function() {
-                    lightbox[ 'show' + dir ]();
-                });
-            });
-            $( el.overlay ).bind( CLICK(), lightbox.hide );
-        },
-        rescale: function(event) {
-            // calculate
-            var width = Math.min( $(window).width(), lightbox.width ),
-                height = Math.min( $(window).height(), lightbox.height ),
-                ratio = Math.min( (width - 60) / lightbox.width, (height - 80) 
/ lightbox.height ),
-                destWidth = ( lightbox.width * ratio ) + 40,
-                destHeight = ( lightbox.height * ratio ) + 60,
-                to = {
-                    width: destWidth,
-                    height: destHeight,
-                    marginTop: Math.ceil( destHeight / 2 ) *- 1,
-                    marginLeft: Math.ceil( destWidth / 2 ) *- 1
-                };
-            // if rescale event, don't animate
-            if ( event ) {
-                $( ).css( to );
-            } else {
-                $( ).animate(
-                    to,
-                    self._options.lightbox_transition_speed,
-                    self._options.easing,
-                    function() {
-                        var image = lightbox.image,
-                            speed = self._options.lightbox_fade_speed;
-                        self.trigger({
-                            type: Galleria.LIGHTBOX_IMAGE,
-                            imageTarget: image.image
-                        });
-              ;
-               image.image, speed );
-              , speed );
-                    }
-                );
-            }
-        },
-        hide: function() {
-            // remove the image
-            lightbox.image.image = null;
-            $(window).unbind('resize', lightbox.rescale);
-            $( ).hide();
-            Utils.hide( );
-            Utils.hide( lightbox.elems.overlay, 200, function() {
-                $( this ).hide().css( 'opacity', self._options.overlay_opacity 
-                self.trigger( Galleria.LIGHTBOX_CLOSE );
-            });
-        },
-        showNext: function() {
-   self.getNext( ) );
-        },
-        showPrev: function() {
-   self.getPrev( ) );
-        },
-        show: function(index) {
-   = index = typeof index == 'number' ? index : 
-            if ( !lightbox.initialized ) {
-                lightbox.init();
-            }
-            $(window).unbind('resize', lightbox.rescale );
-            var data = self.getData(index),
-                total = self.getDataLength();
-            Utils.hide( );
-            lightbox.image.load( data.image, function( image ) {
-                lightbox.width = image.original.width;
-                lightbox.height = image.original.height;
-                $( image.image ).css({
-                    width: '100.5%',
-                    height: '100.5%',
-                    top: 0,
-                    zIndex: 99998,
-                    opacity: 0
-                });
-                lightbox.elems.title.innerHTML = data.title;
-                lightbox.elems.counter.innerHTML = (index + 1) + ' / ' + total;
-                $(window).resize( lightbox.rescale );
-                lightbox.rescale();
-            });
-            $( lightbox.elems.overlay ).show();
-            $( ).show();
-        }
-    };
-    return this;
-// end Galleria constructor
-Galleria.prototype = {
-    /**
-        Use this function to initialize the gallery and start loading.
-        Should only be called once per instance.
-        @param {HTML Element} target The target element
-        @param {Object} options The gallery options
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    init: function( target, options ) {
-        var self = this;
-        // save the instance
-        _galleries.push( this );
-        // save the original ingredients
-        this._original = {
-            target: target,
-            options: options,
-            data: null
-        };
-        // save the target here
-        this._target = = target.nodeName ? target : $( target 
-        // raise error if no target is detected
-        if ( !this._target ) {
-             Galleria.raise('Target not found.');
-             return;
-        }
-        // apply options
-        this._options = {
-            autoplay: false,
-            carousel: true,
-            carousel_follow: true,
-            carousel_speed: 400,
-            carousel_steps: 'auto',
-            clicknext: false,
-            data_config : function( elem ) { return {}; },
-            data_selector: 'img',
-            data_source: this._target,
-            debug: undef,
-            easing: 'galleria',
-            extend: function(options) {},
-            height: 'auto',
-            idle_time: 3000,
-            image_crop: false,
-            image_margin: 0,
-            image_pan: false,
-            image_pan_smoothness: 12,
-            image_position: '50%',
-            keep_source: false,
-            lightbox_fade_speed: 200,
-            lightbox_transition_speed: 500,
-            link_source_images: true,
-            max_scale_ratio: undef,
-            min_scale_ratio: undef,
-            on_image: function(img,thumb) {},
-            overlay_opacity: .85,
-            overlay_background: '#0b0b0b',
-            pause_on_interaction: true, // 1.9.96
-            popup_links: false,
-            preload: 2,
-            queue: true,
-            show: 0,
-            show_info: true,
-            show_counter: true,
-            show_imagenav: true,
-            thumb_crop: true,
-            thumb_event_type: CLICK(),
-            thumb_fit: true,
-            thumb_margin: 0,
-            thumb_quality: 'auto',
-            thumbnails: true,
-            transition: 'fade',
-            transition_initial: undef,
-            transition_speed: 400,
-            width: 'auto'
-        };
-        // apply debug
-        if ( options && options.debug === true ) {
-            DEBUG = true;
-        }
-        // hide all content
-        $( this._target ).children().hide();
-        // now we just have to wait for the theme...
-        if ( Galleria.theme ) {
-            this._init();
-        } else {
-            Utils.addTimer('themeload', function() {
-                Galleria.raise( 'No theme found.', true);
-            }, 2000);
-            $ Galleria.THEMELOAD, function() {
-                Utils.clearTimer( 'themeload' );
-       self );
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    // the internal _init is called when the THEMELOAD event is triggered
-    // this method should only be called once per instance
-    // for manipulation of data, use the .load method
-    _init: function() {
-        var self = this;
-        if ( this._initialized ) {
-            Galleria.raise( 'Init failed: Gallery instance already 
initialized.' );
-            return this;
-        }
-        this._initialized = true;
-        if ( !Galleria.theme ) {
-            Galleria.raise( 'Init failed: No theme found.' );
-            return this;
-        }
-        // merge the theme & caller options
-        $.extend( true, this._options, Galleria.theme.defaults, 
this._original.options );
-        // bind the gallery to run when data is ready
-        this.bind( Galleria.DATA, function() {
-            // save the new data
-   = this._data;
-            // lets show the counter here
-            this.get('total').innerHTML = this.getDataLength();
-            // cache the container
-            var $container = this.$( 'container' );
-            // the gallery is ready, let's just wait for the css
-            var num = { width: 0, height: 0 };
-            var testElem =  Utils.create('galleria-image');
-            // check container and thumbnail height
-            Utils.wait({
-                until: function() {
-                    // keep trying to get the value
-                    $.each(['width', 'height'], function( i, m ) {
-                        if (self._options[ m ] && typeof self._options[ m ] == 
'number') {
-                            num[ m ] = self._options[ m ];
-                        } else {
-                            num[m] = Utils.parseValue( self.$( 'target' ).css( 
m ) ) ||
-                                     Utils.parseValue( $container.css( m ) ) ||
-                                     self.$( 'target' )[ m ]() ||
-                                     $container[ m ]()
-                        }
-                    });
-                    var thumbHeight = function() {
-                        return true;
-                    };
-                    // make sure thumbnails have a height as well
-                    if ( self._options.thumbnails ) {
-                        self.$('thumbnails').append( testElem );
-                        thumbHeight = function() {
-                            return !!$( testElem ).height();
-                        };
-                    }
-                    return thumbHeight() && num.width && num.height > 50;
-                },
-                success: function() {
-                    // remove the testElem
-                    $( testElem ).remove();
-                    // apply the new meassures
-                    $container.width( num.width );
-                    $container.height( num.height );
-                    // for some strange reason, webkit needs a single 
setTimeout to play ball
-                    if ( Galleria.WEBKIT ) {
-                        window.setTimeout( function() {
-                            self._run();
-                        }, 1);
-                    } else {
-                        self._run();
-                    }
-                },
-                error: function() {
-                    // Height was probably not set, raise a hard error
-                    Galleria.raise('Width & Height not found.', true);
-                },
-                timeout: 2000
-            });
-        });
-        // postrun some stuff after the gallery is ready
-        // make sure it only runs once
-        var one = false;
-        this.bind( Galleria.READY, function() {
-            // show counter
-   this.get('counter') );
-            // bind clicknext
-            if ( this._options.clicknext ) {
-                $.each( this._data, function( i, data ) {
-                    delete;
-                });
-                this.$( 'stage' ).css({ cursor : 'pointer' }).bind( CLICK(), 
function(e) {
-          ;
-                });
-            }
-            // bind carousel nav
-            if ( this._options.carousel ) {
-                this._carousel.bindControls();
-            }
-            // start autoplay
-            if ( this._options.autoplay ) {
-                this.pause();
-                if ( typeof this._options.autoplay == 'number' ) {
-                    this._playtime = this._options.autoplay;
-                }
-                this.trigger( Galleria.PLAY );
-                this._playing = true;
-            }
-            // if second load, just do the show and return
-            if ( one ) {
-                if ( typeof == 'number' ) {
-           );
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-            one = true;
-            // initialize the History plugin
-            if ( Galleria.History ) {
-                // bind the show method
-                Galleria.History.change(function(e) {
-                    // grab history ID
-                    var val = parseInt( e.value.replace( /\//, '' ) );
-                    // if ID is NaN, the user pressed back from the first image
-                    // return to previous address
-                    if (isNaN(val)) {
-                        window.history.go(-1);
-                    // else show the image
-                    } else {
-               val, undef, true );
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-            // call the theme init method
-   this, this._options );
-            // call the extend option
-   this, this._options );
-            // show the initial image
-            // first test for permalinks in history
-            if ( /^[0-9]{1,4}$/.test( HASH ) && Galleria.History ) {
-       HASH, undef, true );
-            } else {
-       );
-            }
-        });
-        // build the gallery frame
-        this.append({
-            'info-text' :
-                ['info-title', 'info-description', 'info-author'],
-            'info' :
-                ['info-text'],
-            'image-nav' :
-                ['image-nav-right', 'image-nav-left'],
-            'stage' :
-                ['images', 'loader', 'counter', 'image-nav'],
-            'thumbnails-list' :
-                ['thumbnails'],
-            'thumbnails-container' :
-                ['thumb-nav-left', 'thumbnails-list', 'thumb-nav-right'],
-            'container' :
-                ['stage', 'thumbnails-container', 'info', 'tooltip']
-        });
-        Utils.hide( this.$( 'counter' ).append(
-            this.get( 'current' ),
-            ' / ',
-            this.get( 'total' )
-        ) );
-        this.setCounter('&#8211;');
-        // add images to the controls
-        $.each( new Array(2), function(i) {
-            // create a new Picture instance
-            var image = new Galleria.Picture();
-            // apply some styles
-            $( image.container ).css({
-                position: 'absolute',
-                top: 0,
-                left: 0
-            });
-            // append the image
-            self.$( 'images' ).append( image.container );
-            // reload the controls
-            self._controls[i] = image;
-        });
-        // some forced generic styling
-        this.$( 'images' ).css({
-            position: 'relative',
-            top: 0,
-            left: 0,
-            width: '100%',
-            height: '100%'
-        });
-        this.$( 'thumbnails, thumbnails-list' ).css({
-            overflow: 'hidden',
-            position: 'relative'
-        });
-        // bind image navigation arrows
-        this.$( 'image-nav-right, image-nav-left' ).bind( CLICK(), function(e) 
-            // tune the clicknext option
-            if ( self._options.clicknext ) {
-                e.stopPropagation();
-            }
-            // pause if options is set
-            if ( self._options.pause_on_interaction ) {
-                self.pause();
-            }
-            // navigate
-            var fn = /right/.test( this.className ) ? 'next' : 'prev';
-            self[ fn ]();
-        });
-        // hide controls if chosen to
-        $.each( ['info','counter','image-nav'], function( i, el ) {
-            if ( self._options[ 'show_' + el.replace(/-/, '') ] === false ) {
-                Utils.moveOut( self.get( el ) );
-            }
-        });
-        // load up target content
-        this.load();
-        // now it's usually safe to remove the content
-        // IE will never stop loading if we remove it, so let's keep it hidden 
for IE (it's usually fast enough anyway)
-        if ( !this._options.keep_source && !IE ) {
-            this._target.innerHTML = '';
-        }
-        // append the gallery frame
-        this.$( 'target' ).append( this.get( 'container' ) );
-        // parse the carousel on each thumb load
-        if ( this._options.carousel ) {
-            this.bind( Galleria.THUMBNAIL, function() {
-                this.updateCarousel();
-            });
-        }
-        // bind on_image helper
-        this.bind( Galleria.IMAGE, function( e ) {
-   this, e.imageTarget, e.thumbTarget );
-        });
-        return this;
-    },
-    // the internal _run method should be called after loading data into 
-    // creates thumbnails and makes sure the gallery has proper meassurements
-    _run : function() {
-        // shortcuts
-        var self = this,
-            o = this._options,
-            // width/height for calculations
-            width  = 0,
-            height = 0,
-            // cache the thumbnail option
-            optval = typeof o.thumbnails == 'string' ? 
o.thumbnails.toLowerCase() : null;
-        // loop through data and create thumbnails
-        for( var i = 0; this._data[i]; i++ ) {
-            var thumb,
-                data = this._data[i],
-                $container;
-            if ( o.thumbnails === true ) {
-                // add a new Picture instance
-                thumb = new Galleria.Picture(i);
-                // get source from thumb or image
-                var src = data.thumb || data.image;
-                // append the thumbnail
-                this.$( 'thumbnails' ).append( thumb.container );
-                // cache the container
-                $container = $( thumb.container );
-                // move some data into the instance
-                // for some reason, jQuery cant handle css(property) when 
zooming in FF, breaking the gallery
-                // so we resort to getComputedStyle for browsers who support it
-                var getStyle = function( prop ) {
-                    return doc.defaultView && doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle 
-                        doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle( thumb.container, 
null )[ prop ] :
-                        $container.css( prop );
-                };
-       = {
-                    width  : Utils.parseValue( getStyle( 'width' ) ),
-                    height : Utils.parseValue( getStyle( 'height' ) ),
-                    order  : i
-                };
-                // grab & reset size for smoother thumbnail loads
-                $container.css(( o.thumb_fit && o.thumb_crop !== true ) ?
-                    { width: 0, height: 0 } :
-                    { width:, height: });
-                // load the thumbnail
-                thumb.load( src, function( thumb ) {
-                    // scale when ready
-                    thumb.scale({
-                        width:,
-                        height:,
-                        crop:     o.thumb_crop,
-                        margin:   o.thumb_margin,
-                        complete: function( thumb ) {
-                            // shrink thumbnails to fit
-                            var top = ['left', 'top'];
-                            var arr = ['Width', 'Height'];
-                            // calculate shrinked positions
-                            $.each(arr, function( i, meassure ) {
-                                var m = meassure.toLowerCase();
-                                if ( (o.thumb_crop !== true || o.thumb_crop == 
m ) && o.thumb_fit ) {
-                                    var css = {};
-                                    css[m] = thumb[m];
-                                    $( thumb.container ).css( css );
-                                    css = {};
-                                    css[top[i]] = 0;
-                                    $( thumb.image ).css( css);
-                                }
-                                // cache outer meassures
-                                thumb['outer' + meassure] = $( thumb.container 
)['outer' + meassure]( true );
-                            });
-                            // set high quality if downscale is moderate
-                            Utils.toggleQuality( thumb.image,
-                                o.thumb_quality === true ||
-                                ( o.thumb_quality == 'auto' && 
thumb.original.width < thumb.width * 3 )
-                            );
-                            // trigger the THUMBNAIL event
-                            self.trigger({
-                                type: Galleria.THUMBNAIL,
-                                thumbTarget: thumb.image,
-                                index:
-                            });
-                        }
-                    });
-                });
-                // preload all images here
-                if ( o.preload == 'all' ) {
-                    thumb.add( data.image );
-                }
-            // create empty spans if thumbnails is set to 'empty'
-            } else if ( optval == 'empty' || optval == 'numbers' ) {
-                thumb = {
-                    container:  Utils.create( 'galleria-image' ),
-                    image: Utils.create( 'img', 'span' ),
-                    ready: true
-                };
-                // create numbered thumbnails
-                if ( optval == 'numbers' ) {
-                    $( thumb.image ).text( i + 1 );
-                }
-                $( thumb.container ).append( thumb.image );
-                this.$( 'thumbnails' ).append( thumb.container );
-                self.trigger({
-                    type: Galleria.THUMBNAIL,
-                    thumbTarget: thumb.image,
-                    index: i
-                });
-            // create null object to silent errors
-            } else {
-                thumb = {
-                    container: null,
-                    image: null
-                };
-            }
-            // add events for thumbnails
-            // you can control the event type using thumb_event_type
-            // we'll add the same event to the source if it's kept
-            $( thumb.container ).add( o.keep_source && o.link_source_images ? 
data.original : null )
-                .data('index', i).bind(o.thumb_event_type, function(e) {
-                    // pause if option is set
-                    if ( o.pause_on_interaction ) {
-                        self.pause();
-                    }
-                    // extract the index from the data
-                    var index = $( e.currentTarget ).data( 'index' );
-                    if ( self.getIndex() !== index ) {
-               index );
-                    }
-                    e.preventDefault();
-            });
-            this._thumbnails.push( thumb );
-        }
-        // make sure we have a stageHeight && stageWidth
-        Utils.wait({
-            until: function() {
-                self._stageWidth  = self.$( 'stage' ).width();
-                self._stageHeight = self.$( 'stage' ).height();
-                return( self._stageWidth && self._stageHeight > 50 ); // what 
is an acceptable height?
-            },
-            success: function() {
-                self.trigger( Galleria.READY );
-            },
-            error: function() {
-                Galleria.raise('stage meassures not found');
-            }
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-        Loads data into the gallery.
-        You can call this method on an existing gallery to reload the gallery 
with new data.
-        @param {Array or String} source Optional JSON array of data or 
selector of where to find data in the document.
-        Defaults to the Galleria target or data_source option.
-        @param {String} selector Optional element selector of what elements to 
-        Defaults to 'img'.
-        @param {Function} config Optional function to modify the data 
extraction proceedure from the selector.
-        See the data_config option for more information.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    load : function( source, selector, config ) {
-        var self = this;
-        // empty the data array
-        this._data = [];
-        // empty the thumbnails
-        this._thumbnails = [];
-        this.$('thumbnails').empty();
-        // shorten the arguments
-        if ( typeof selector == 'function' ) {
-            config = selector;
-            selector = null;
-        }
-        // use the source set by target
-        source = source || this._options.data_source;
-        // use selector set by option
-        selector = selector || this._options.data_selector;
-        // use the data_config set by option
-        config = config || this._options.data_config;
-        // check if the data is an array already
-        if ( source.constructor == Array ) {
-            if ( this.validate( source) ) {
-                this._data = source;
-                this.trigger( Galleria.DATA );
-            } else {
-                Galleria.raise( 'Load failed: JSON Array not valid.' );
-            }
-            return this;
-        }
-        // loop through images and set data
-        $( source ).find( selector ).each( function( i, img ) {
-            var data = {},
-                img = $( img ),
-                parent = img.parent(),
-                href = parent.attr( 'href' );
-            // check if it's a link to another image
-            if ( /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/i.test(href) ) {
-                data.image = href;
-            // else assign the href as a link if it exists
-            } else if ( href ) {
-       = href;
-            }
-            // mix default extractions with the hrefs and config
-            // and push it into the data array
-            self._data.push( $.extend({
-                title:       img.attr('title'),
-                thumb:       img.attr('src'),
-                image:       img.attr('src'),
-                description: img.attr('alt'),
-                link:        img.attr('longdesc'),
-                original:    img.get(0) // saved as a reference
-            }, data, config( img ) ) );
-        });
-        // trigger the DATA event and return
-        if ( this.getDataLength() ) {
-            this.trigger( Galleria.DATA );
-        } else {
-            Galleria.raise('Load failed: no data found.');
-        }
-        return this;
-    },
-    _getActive: function() {
-        return this._controls.getActive();
-    },
-    validate : function( data ) {
-        // todo: validate a custom data array
-        return true;
-    },
-    /**
-        Bind any event to Galleria
-        @param {String} type The Event type to listen for
-        @param {Function} fn The function to execute when the event is 
-        @example this.bind( Galleria.IMAGE, function() { Galleria.log('image 
shown') });
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    bind : function(type, fn) {
-        this.$( 'container' ).bind( type, this.proxy(fn) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Unbind any event to Galleria
-        @param {String} type The Event type to forget
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    unbind : function(type) {
-        this.$( 'container' ).unbind( type );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Manually trigger a Galleria event
-        @param {String} type The Event to trigger
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    trigger : function( type ) {
-        type = typeof type == 'object' ?
-            $.extend( type, { scope: this } ) :
-            { type: type, scope: this };
-        this.$( 'container' ).trigger( type );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Assign an "idle state" to any element.
-        The idle state will be applied after a certain amount of idle time
-        Useful to hide f.ex navigation when the gallery is inactive
-        @param {HTML Element or String} elem The Dom node or selector to apply 
the idle state to
-        @param {Object} styles the CSS styles to apply
-        @example addIdleState( this.get('image-nav'), { opacity: 0 });
-        @example addIdleState( '.galleria-image-nav', { top: -200 });
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    addIdleState: function( elem, styles ) {
-        this._idle.add.apply( this._idle, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Removes any idle state previously set using addIdleState()
-        @param {HTML Element or String} elem The Dom node or selector to 
remove the idle state from.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    removeIdleState: function( elem ) {
-        this._idle.remove.apply( this._idle, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Force Galleria to enter idle mode.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    enterIdleMode: function() {
-        this._idle.hide();
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Force Galleria to exit idle mode.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    exitIdleMode: function() {
-        this.idle._show();
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Enter FullScreen mode
-        @param {Function} callback the function to be executed when the 
fullscreen mode is fully applied.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    enterFullscreen: function( callback ) {
-        this._fullscreen.enter.apply( this, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Exits FullScreen mode
-        @param {Function} callback the function to be executed when the 
fullscreen mode is fully applied.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    exitFullscreen: function( callback ) {
-        this._fullscreen.exit.apply( this, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Adds a tooltip to any element.
-        You can also call this method with an object as argument with 
elemID:value pairs to apply tooltips to (see examples)
-        @param {HTML Element} elem The DOM Node to attach the event to
-        @param {String or Function} value The tooltip message. Can also be a 
function that returns a string.
-        @example this.bindTooltip( this.get('thumbnails'), 'My thumbnails');
-        @example this.bindTooltip( this.get('thumbnails'), function() { return 
'My thumbs' });
-        @example this.bindTooltip( { image_nav: 'Navigation' });
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    bindTooltip: function( elem, value ) {
-        this._tooltip.bind.apply( this._tooltip, Utils.array(arguments) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Redefine a tooltip
-        Use this if you want to change the tooltip value at runtime
-        @param {HTML Element} elem The DOM Node to attach the event to
-        @param {String or Function} value The tooltip message. Can also be a 
function that returns a string.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    defineTooltip: function( elem, value ) {
-        this._tooltip.define.apply( this._tooltip, Utils.array(arguments) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    // leave this out of the API for now
-    refreshTooltip: function() {
-        this._tooltip.refresh.apply( this._tooltip, Utils.array(arguments) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Open a pre-designed lightbox with the currently active image.
-        You can control some visuals using gallery options.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    openLightbox: function() {
- this._lightbox, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Close the lightbox.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    closeLightbox: function() {
-        this._lightbox.hide.apply( this._lightbox, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Get the currently active image element.
-        @returns {HTML Element} The image element
-    */
-    getActiveImage: function() {
-        return this._getActive().image || undef;
-    },
-    /**
-        Get the currently active thumbnail element.
-        @returns {HTML Element} The thumbnail element
-    */
-    getActiveThumb: function() {
-        return this._thumbnails[ this._active ].image || undef;
-    },
-    /**
-        Get the mouse position relative to the gallery container
-        @param e The mouse event
-        @example
-var gallery = this;
-$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
-    console.log( gallery.getMousePosition(e).x );
-        @returns {Object} Object with x & y of the relative mouse postion
-    */
-    getMousePosition : function(e) {
-        return {
-            x: e.pageX - this.$( 'stage' ).offset().left,
-            y: e.pageY - this.$( 'stage' ).offset().top
-        };
-    },
-    /**
-        Adds a panning effect to the image
-        @param img The optional image element. If not specified it takes the 
currently active image
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    addPan : function( img ) {
-        if ( this._options.image_crop === false ) {
-            return;
-        }
-        img = $( img || this.getActiveImage() );
-        // define some variables and methods
-        var self   = this,
-            x      = img.width() / 2,
-            y      = img.height() / 2,
-            curX   = destX = parseInt( img.css( 'left' ) ) || 0,
-            curY   = destY = parseInt( img.css( 'top' ) ) || 0,
-            distX  = 0,
-            distY  = 0,
-            active = false,
-            ts     = Utils.timestamp(),
-            cache  = 0,
-            move   = 0,
-            // positions the image
-            position = function( dist, cur, pos ) {
-                if ( dist > 0 ) {
-                    move = Math.round( Math.max( dist * -1, Math.min( 0, cur ) 
) );
-                    if ( cache != move ) {
-                        cache = move;
-                        if ( IE == 8 ) { // scroll is faster for IE
-                            img.parent()[ 'scroll' + pos ]( move * -1 );
-                        } else {
-                            var css = {};
-                            css[ pos.toLowerCase() ] = move;
-                            img.css(css);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            // calculates mouse position after 50ms
-            calculate = function(e) {
-                if (Utils.timestamp() - ts < 50) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                active = true;
-                x = self.getMousePosition(e).x;
-                y = self.getMousePosition(e).y;
-            },
-            // the main loop to check
-            loop = function(e) {
-                if (!active) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                distX = img.width() - self._stageWidth;
-                distY = img.height() - self._stageHeight;
-                destX = x / self._stageWidth * distX * -1;
-                destY = y / self._stageHeight * distY * -1;
-                curX += ( destX - curX ) / self._options.image_pan_smoothness;
-                curY += ( destY - curY ) / self._options.image_pan_smoothness;
-                position( distY, curY, 'Top' );
-                position( distX, curX, 'Left' );
-            };
-        // we need to use scroll in IE8 to speed things up
-        if ( IE == 8 ) {
-            img.parent().scrollTop( curY * -1 ).scrollLeft( curX * -1 );
-            img.css({
-                top: 0,
-                left: 0
-            });
-        }
-        // unbind and bind event
-        this.$( 'stage' ).unbind( 'mousemove', calculate ).bind( 'mousemove', 
calculate );
-        // loop the loop
-        Utils.addTimer('pan', loop, 50, true);
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Brings the scope into any callback
-        @param fn The callback to bring the scope into
-        @param scope Optional scope to bring
-        @example $('#fullscreen').click( this.proxy(function() { 
this.enterFullscreen(); }) )
-        @returns {Function} Return the callback with the gallery scope
-    */
-    proxy : function( fn, scope ) {
-        if ( typeof fn !== 'function' ) {
-            return function() {};
-        }
-        scope = scope || this;
-        return function() {
-            return fn.apply( scope, Utils.array( arguments ) );
-        };
-    },
-    /**
-        Removes the panning effect set by addPan()
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    removePan: function() {
-        if ( IE == 8 ) {
-            // todo: doublecheck this
-        }
-        this.$( 'stage' ).unbind( 'mousemove' );
-        Utils.clearTimer('pan');
-        this.rescale();
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Adds an element to the Galleria DOM array.
-        When you add an element here, you can access it using element ID in 
many API calls
-        @param {String} id The element ID you wish to use. You can add many 
elements by adding more arguments.
-        @example addElement('mybutton');
-        @example addElement('mybutton','mylink');
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    addElement : function( id ) {
-        var dom = this._dom;
-        $.each( Utils.array(arguments), function( i, blueprint ) {
-           dom[ blueprint ] = Utils.create( 'galleria-' + blueprint );
-        });
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Attach keyboard events to Galleria
-        @param {Object} map The map object of events.
-        Possible keys are 'UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'RETURN', 'ESCAPE', 
-        @example
-    right:,
-    left: this.prev,
-    up: function() {
-        console.log( 'up key pressed' )
-    }
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    attachKeyboard : function( map ) {
-        this._keyboard.attach.apply( this._keyboard, Utils.array( arguments ) 
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Detach all keyboard events to Galleria
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    detachKeyboard : function() {
-        this._keyboard.detach.apply( this._keyboard, Utils.array( arguments ) 
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Fast helper for appending galleria elements that you added using 
-        @param {String} parentID The parent element ID where the element will 
be appended
-        @param {String} childID the element ID that should be appended
-        @example this.addElement('myElement');
-        this.appendChild( 'info', 'myElement' );
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    appendChild : function( parentID, childID ) {
-        this.$( parentID ).append( this.get( childID ) || childID );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Fast helper for appending galleria elements that you added using 
-        @param {String} parentID The parent element ID where the element will 
be preppended
-        @param {String} childID the element ID that should be preppended
-        @example
-this.prependChild( 'info', 'myElement' );
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    prependChild : function( parentID, childID ) {
-        this.$( parentID ).prepend( this.get( childID ) || childID );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Remove an element by blueprint
-        @param {String} elemID The element to be removed.
-        You can remove multiple elements by adding arguments.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    remove : function( elemID ) {
-        this.$( Utils.array( arguments ).join(',') ).remove();
-        return this;
-    },
-    // a fast helper for building dom structures
-    // leave this out of the API for now
-    append : function( data ) {
-        for( var i in data) {
-            if ( data[i].constructor == Array ) {
-                for( var j = 0; data[i][j]; j++ ) {
-                    this.appendChild( i, data[i][j] );
-                }
-            } else {
-                this.appendChild( i, data[i] );
-            }
-        }
-        return this;
-    },
-    // an internal helper for scaling according to options
-    _scaleImage : function( image, options ) {
-        options = $.extend({
-            width:    this._stageWidth,
-            height:   this._stageHeight,
-            crop:     this._options.image_crop,
-            max:      this._options.max_scale_ratio,
-            min:      this._options.min_scale_ratio,
-            margin:   this._options.image_margin,
-            position: this._options.image_position
-        }, options );
-       ( image || this._controls.getActive() ).scale( options );
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Updates the carousel,
-        useful if you resize the gallery and want to re-check if the carousel 
nav is needed.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    updateCarousel : function() {
-        this._carousel.update();
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Rescales the gallery
-        @param {Number} width The target width
-        @param {Number} height The target height
-        @param {Function} complete The callback to be called when the scaling 
is complete
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    rescale : function( width, height, complete ) {
-        var self = this;
-        // allow rescale(fn)
-        if ( typeof width == 'function' ) {
-            complete = width;
-            width = undef;
-        }
-        var scale = function() {
-            // shortcut
-            var o = self._options;
-            // set stagewidth
-            self._stageWidth = width || self.$( 'stage' ).width();
-            self._stageHeight = height || self.$( 'stage' ).height();
-            // scale the active image
-            self._scaleImage();
-            if ( self._options.carousel ) {
-                self.updateCarousel();
-            }
-            self.trigger( Galleria.RESCALE );
-            if ( typeof complete == 'function' ) {
-       self );
-            }
-        };
-        if ( Galleria.WEBKIT && !width && !height ) {
-            Utils.addTimer( 'scale', scale, 5 );// webkit is too fast
-        } else {
-   self );
-        }
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Refreshes the gallery.
-        Useful if you change image options at runtime and want to apply the 
changes to the active image.
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    refreshImage : function() {
-        this._scaleImage();
-        if ( this._options.image_pan ) {
-            this.addPan();
-        }
-        return this;
-    },
-    /**
-        Shows an image by index
-        @param {Number} index The index to show
-        @param {Boolean} rewind A boolean that should be true if you want the 
transition to go back
-        @returns {Galleria}
-    */
-    show : function( index, rewind, _history ) {
-        // do nothing if index is false or queue is false and transition is in 
-        if ( index === false || !this._options.queue && this._queue.stalled ) {
-            return;
-        }
-        index = Math.max( 0, Math.min( parseInt(index), this.getDataLength() - 
1 ) );
-        rewind = typeof rewind != 'undefined' ? !!rewind : index < 
-        _history = _history || false;
-        // do the history thing and return
-        if ( !_history && Galleria.History ) {
-            Galleria.History.value( index.toString() );
-            return;
-        }
-        this._active = index;
- this._queue, {
-            index : index,
-            rewind : rewind
-        });
-        if ( !this._queue.stalled ) {
-            this._show();
-        }
-        return this;
-    },
-    // the internal _show method does the actual showing
-    _show : function() {
-        // shortcuts
-        var self   = this,
-            queue  = this._queue[ 0 ],
-            data   = this.getData( queue.index );
-        if ( !data ) {
-            return;
-        }
-        var src    = data.image,
-            active = this._controls.getActive(),
-            next   = this._controls.getNext(),
-            cached = next.isCached( src ),
-            thumb  = this._thumbnails[ queue.index ];
-            // to be fired when loading & transition is complete:
-        var complete = function() {
-            // remove stalled
-            self._queue.stalled = false;
-            // optimize quality
-            Utils.toggleQuality( next.image, self._options.image_quality );
-            // swap
-            $( active.container ).css({
-                zIndex: 0,
-                opacity: 0
-            });
-            $( next.container ).css({
-                zIndex: 1,
-                opacity: 1
-            });
-            self._controls.swap();
-            // add pan according to option
-            if ( self._options.image_pan ) {
-                self.addPan( next.image );
-            }
-            // make the image link
-            if ( ) {
-                $( next.image ).css({
-                    cursor: 'pointer'
-                }).bind( CLICK(), function() {
-                    // popup link
-                    if ( self._options.popup_links ) {
-                        var win =, '_blank' );
-                    } else {
-                        window.location.href =;
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-            // remove the queued image
-   self._queue );
-            // if we still have images in the queue, show it
-            if ( self._queue.length ) {
-                self._show();
-            }
-            // check if we are playing
-            self._playCheck();
-            // trigger IMAGE event
-            self.trigger({
-                type:        Galleria.IMAGE,
-                index:       queue.index,
-                imageTarget: next.image,
-                thumbTarget: thumb.image
-            });
-        };
-        // let the carousel follow
-        if ( this._options.carousel && this._options.carousel_follow ) {
-            this._carousel.follow( queue.index );
-        }
-        // preload images
-        if ( this._options.preload ) {
-            var p,
-                n = this.getNext();
-            try {
-                for ( var i = this._options.preload; i > 0; i-- ) {
-                    p = new Galleria.Picture();
-                    p.add( self.getData( n ).image );
-                    n = self.getNext( n );
-                }


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