1/ +1

2/ +1

3/ +1 overall however I believe we have to make improvements to the
guice extension mechanism.

Some example of things that would make sense:
 - As a user I want to inject dependencies non bundled in James for my

I also think deprecation/removal of spring-only features should be done



On 18/07/2019 15:12, Matthieu Baechler wrote:
> Hi community,
> I will probably very soon start the James 3.4 release process.
> Before tagging the release, I'd like to propose some deprecations and
> removal for a vote. That way, deprecated components could be annotated
> just before the tag and it would let 3.4 users know what will disappear
> next.
> 1/ zookeeper-seq-provider
>    This module allows to generate sequence numbers for things like IMAP
>    modseq or uid. It has been implemented to fulfil the lack of support
>    for this kind of feature in HBase.
>    Cassandra has the same kind of problems, as most distributed
>    database, but we solved the problem without requiring yet another
>    complex middleware.
>    As HBase is no longer part of the codebase and to my knowledge the
>    component is not used anywhere else, I propose to mark it as
>    deprecated for 3.5 in order to target a removal for 3.6.
> 2/ OSGi (karaf)
>    Maven contains some code and the build configuration to generate
>    some OSGi bundles.
>    I have personnaly no interest in OSGi nor extensive knowledge about
>    it and as far as I know, no active developer on the project is able
>    and/or willing to maintain that.
>    I didn't tested any James OSGi thing and I suspect that it has bit
>    rot with years to the point it's not usable at all.
>    I will probably propose some Java Module support in the future to
>    gain back some interesting features of OSGi (not exporting every
>    classes of a Module, declaring proposed services and required ones,
>    etc) but in the meantime I think that we have no interest keeping
>    that code around.
>    I thus propose complete removal before 3.4 release
> 3/ Spring 3
>    Spring is used as a Dependency Injection framework to allow maximum
>    flexibility for the end user: one can just edit some xml to choose
>    for the combination of component she/he wants.
>    It relates to the Hexagonal Architecture I described in an earlier
>    email.
>    Being able to choose can be a good thing however, as a community, we
>    decided in the recent years that we would provide supported
>    combinations of technologies rather than idealistic everything-is-
>    possible Spring xml way of building products.
>    That's why we invested a lot in compile-time Dependency Injection
>    with Guice: we built products (combinations of components that make
>    sense) and we run testsuites against them to ensure at least some
>    level of quality.
>    It doesn't prevent anyone to choose a different combination of
>    component but instead of xml files, she/he will have to create a
>    Java class to declare the modules she/he wants and compile the whole
>    thing.
>    We are aware that we didn't explained that enough and that most
>    people start using James with the spring product. So why would we
>    deprecate it?
>    The answer is straigforward: we use a very very old version of
>    Spring and we probably will run into troubles maintaining it in the
>    future. At the same time, recent Spring versions depart from the xml
>    descriptors thing and would probably require a rewrite of the Spring
>    modules entirely instead of an upgrade.
>    Finally, there are features that only exist in the Spring product:
>    support for maildir, dynamic loading of jars in general, etc.
>    In conclusion, I would propose to deprecate that product starting
>    with 3.4 version but target a removal in 3.6 to get enough time for
>    users and devs to not loose important features.
> I do propose a vote to ensure consensus on it:
>  - Answer this mail with "+1 for all decisions" to support all these
> deprecations
>  - Answer this mail with "-1 for all decisions" if you reject the idea
> of removing components
>  - Answer this mail with "+1 [decisions] -1 [decisions]" to express
> per decisions not favorable opinion.
> Negative votes should be motivated (and ideally have contributors for
> these components). Voting ends on 25th July 2pm UTC
> Regards,

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