Thanks for the move, that's really nice to have you on board!

We don't "shoot" people at sunrise :-)

As a contributor, you can propose some github pull request (that we
prefer to JIRA attached patches). The people endorsing the
responsibility is the 'committer' merging your patch into the James
sources code. Very likely he will do so once all unit-integration tests

That being said we try to enforce software quality and other
contributors / committers might ask you to refine your work (add test,
adopt a more readable code style, better split responsibilities, etc...).

Another point is discussing architecture and describing your development
effort on this mailing list first. This might help avoiding bad
surprises upon Github pull requests at the price of only a short
discussion here.

Best regards,


On 07/10/2019 02:32, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> I am interested in becoming a contributor to the JAMES server.  I have
> been a user of JAMES in my hosting environment since around 2003.  I
> also own a software solutions development company (primarily
> java/tomcat).  I am retired from IBM as a senior software architect for
> the Websphere family of products.  The last several years of my career
> was spent as the last line of defense for solving major corporate issues
> with our products.  I was usually called in a few days before a company
> was going to throw out a huge contract.  So I got used to trying to
> find/fix a problem while a CEO is looking over my shoulder saying,
> "Well??". As a result of those experiences, 'serviceability' and logging
> has been near and dear to my heart.  In the past years with JAMES, I've
> added several logging and debugging enhancements that have helped me
> more quickly isolate issues with mail processing in my hosting
> environment.  I'm in the process of cleaning a few of those up, and will
> do my first attempt at a some pull requests.  I have experience with
> software management repositories and code modification & integration
> policies in a large distributed development environment.  However I know
> processes vary from product to product.  So I'd like to learn more about
> the JAMES process.  I learned very quickly at IBM that if you checked
> something in and broke the build, that was grounds for being shot at
> sunrise... So I want to learn the right way to do things.
> I've also been talking to Matthieu Baechler offline about assisting in
> development and testing of the new S3 blob storage component.  I am
> currently moving my JAMES environment to AWS, and S3 blob storage is
> going to help me tremendously in maintaining my environment.  I'm going
> to post the entire email chain from my conversation with Matthieu in a
> separate post.
> Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself.  Help me along initially with
> the process, and bear with me if I make a few mistakes at first.  I'm
> looking forward to contributing.
> Jerry
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  • Introduction Jerry Malcolm
    • Re: Introduction Tellier Benoit

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