Hi Jerry,

Guava is a very commonly spread java utility library in the java world.
It is different from guice which is a dependency injection library.
Guice uses guava but that's all.

In James code base we uses guava mostly for immutable collections and

Guice is not included in server/app dependencies, nothing to worry on
this front.

On 06/02/2020 00:42, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Hi Benoit,
> Thanks for the info.  I added my custom matcher and mailet jars to
> pom.xml and ran the mvn dependency tree command from the link. The
> dependency-tree run completed successfully.  The only two references to
> my custom jars were warnings saying I should use a variable instead of
> hardcoding the path to the jars.  I also repeatedly got the message:
> Verbose not supported since maven-dependency-plugin 3.0.  But basically,
> the dependency tree didn't appear to find any problems.
> I understand what you said about Guavate bridging Guava and java8.  But
> Guava is part of Guice, correct?  Since my configuration is spring/jpa,
> should I even be going into code that talks to Guice?  Could that be the
> problem?
> Jerry
> On 2/5/2020 1:23 AM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
>> Hi Jerry,
>> Looking at
>> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.steveash.guavate/guavate
>> Guavate is a tiny library to help bridge the gap between gauva and java8
>> while the Guava team figures out what they are going to release
>> We use it as a java utility for that very purpose.
>> Now about your issue let me suggest the following debug procedure:
>>   - From master james-server repository
>>   - Add the dependency to your custom mailet jars in server/app/pom.xml
>>   - Follow
>> https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/examples/resolving-conflicts-using-the-dependency-tree.html
>> in server/app
>> Once you identify the source of conflicts, fixing the error should be
>> easy.
>> Benoit
>> On 05/02/2020 12:43, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> I need to bump this post back to the top of the queue.  I'm totally
>>> blocked on this one.
>>> This is only occurring on my customized installation (at least I haven't
>>> gotten it to occur in the out-of-the-box installation). But knowing that
>>> really hasn't helped me any.  I know I'm doing something to cause this.
>>> But I really just need a brief explanation as to what this code (in the
>>> stack trace below) is doing just to give me a fighting chance.   I just
>>> need somebody to tell me what Guavate's lambda code is trying to do here
>>> and what data it's working on.  What class is expected?  The error
>>> description on google says a class didn't get compiled with the latest
>>> code.  But that makes no sense.  I built James and my mailets from
>>> scratch with the latest master.  I found a Guavate.java on the web.  But
>>> the line numbers didn't match up. Is something getting serialize,
>>> possibly with one class and deserialized with another class?  Just let
>>> me know what is supposed to happen in these lines of code, and I'll see
>>> where I can take it from there.
>>> BTW... it appears that Guavate is part of Guice.  I'm still using
>>> spring/jpa... no Guice... Is some configuration I have trying to kick me
>>> into some Guice code?
>>> Thanks as always.
>>> Jerry
>>> On 2/1/2020 12:18 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>>> I have created a completely separate instance of James from my current
>>>> running production circa last October for a different client.  It was
>>>> built from the latest master on github as of yesterday.  After
>>>> publishing it to my EC2 instance, I started adding my my specific conf
>>>> files and jar files.  I was able to get it to receive mail and show it
>>>> in Tomcat.  It can also send mail. Then after about 30 minutes, it
>>>> starts failing on IMAP calls.  I have created totally new instances in
>>>> new folders from the build three different times, and get the same
>>>> behavior.  Works fine for a while.  Then decides to fail.  After it
>>>> fails, nothing I do can make it recover.  I've never seen anything
>>>> like these exceptions. It's failing on a 'github.steveash.guavate'
>>>> class (???).  Not sure where that came from.  Really curious why it
>>>> works for a while and then starts failing.  TW, I have a few custom
>>>> mailets and several jar files to support them.  But none of the jars
>>>> have class names anywhere close to the ones in the stack dump.  So I
>>>> don't think there is a jar conflict.  Just need a bit of info about
>>>> what a "vtable stub" is and what Guavate's lambda code is trying to do
>>>> in this area of the code?  The rest of the stack dump is the IMAP
>>>> processor and netty stuff for IMAP.  Exception occurs when IMAP client
>>>> tries to check mail.  Any ideas?
>>>> java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: vtable stub
>>>>          at
>>>> com.github.steveash.guavate.Guavate.lambda$toImmutableMap$8(Guavate.java:351)
>>>>          at
>>>> java.util.stream.ReduceOps$3ReducingSink.accept(ReduceOps.java:169)
>>>>          at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(Iterator.java:116)
>>>>          at
>>>> java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Spliterators.java:1801)
>>>>          at
>>>> java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:482)
>>>>          at
>>>> java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:472)
>>>>          at
>>>> java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(ReduceOps.java:708)
>>>>          at
>>>> java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234)
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