Hi David,

I gave a shot at defining:

 - Core components, that offers services at heart of James
 - Utility components, that offers services core-components
implementations can rely on.
 - Mailbox sub-components.

Here is the result. I encourage other project members to review it.

 - Did I forgot some components?
 - Is the way I split them relevant?
 - Is the way to describe a component (descriptions, entities, key
interfaces, plugin) relevant? Would you add/remove something?
 - Of course all the component level details...

I hope it helps your documentation effort.

Best regards,



# Core components

## MailetContainer

Enables mail processing.

 - **Mails**: Message transiting between a sender and recipients

Key interfaces:
 - **Mailet**: Enables to act upon an email: modify it, trigger side effects
 - **Matcher**: Condition to trigger a mailet action

Plugin: A user can register their own mailets / matchers

Here is a list of mailets providing central services, and bridges other
core components defined here after :

 - **RemoteDelivery** enables sending emails to other mail servers,
using the SMTP protocol.
 - **LocalDelivery** enables delivering emails to local user mailboxes.
 - **RecipientRewriteTable** queries and applied recipient rewritting rules.
 - **ToMailRepository** stores emails in a given mail repository.
 - **Sieve** executes stored sieve scripts against incoming emails.

## MailQueue

Enables asynchronous mail processing. Enables review and administration
of mail traffic awaiting processing.

Entity: **Mails**

Key interface: **MailQueue**, **ManageableMailQueue**

 - Memory
 - (embedded) ActiveMQ
 - Distributed (RabbitMQ + Cassandra)
 - Files

## MailRepositories

Enables storing emails, along with their processing context. Enables
traffic review.

Can be used to recover error, stores spam, etc...

Entity: **Mails**

Key interfaces:
 - **MailRepository**
 - **MailRepositoryStore**: enables instanciation of MailRepositories

 - A user can register new classes of MailRepository, that he can then
configure within it's Mailet Container

Bundled implementation:
 - Memory
 - Cassandra
 - File

## Mailbox

The mailbox stores user messages for later retrieval.

 - **Messages**: a mime message belonging to a user, along with their
mailbox context.
 - **Mailboxes**: a group of messages

Sample operations:
 - Mailboxes can be created, deleted, renamed
 - Messages can be appended, deleted, moved, copied, their flags can be

Key interfaces:
 - **MailboxManager**: Enable managing and accessing mailboxes
 - **MessageManager**: Enables accessing messages within a given
mailbox. Can be obtained via the MailboxManager.
 - **MessageIdManager**: Enables accessing messages by their unique
identifier.. Can be obtained via the MailboxManager.

 - Memory implementation
 - Maildir implementation
 - JPA implementation
 - Cassandra implementation

The mailbox components defines the following sub-components:

### The EventBus

James mailbox uses an event driven architecture.
It means every meaningful action on mailboxes or messages triggers an
event for any component to react to that event.
`MailboxListener` allows executing actions upon mailbox events. They
could be used for a wide variety of purposes, like
enriching mailbox managers features or enabling user notifications upon
concurrent mailboxes operations.

 - **Events**: describes an action that happenened on a mailbox
 - **MailboxListeners**: standard API for acting upon events.

Key interfaces:
 - **EventBus**: enables MailboxListener registration and enables
dispatching events to the MailboxListeners

 - In VM
 - RabbitMQ

 - A user can register its own mailbox listeners.

### EventDeadLetter

Failed event processing is being saved to the EventDeadLetter for both
diagnostic and reprocessing purposes.

 - **Events**: As per the EventBus

Key interfaces:
 - **EventDeadLetter**

 - Cassandra
 - Memory

### Search index

Sub components allowing searching emails.

Entities: **Messages**

Key interfaces:
 - **MessageSearchIndex**

 - Scrolling
 - Lucene
 - ElasticSearch

### Text extraction

Allows extracting text from arbtrary files. It empowers a more relevant
search within the MessageSearchIndex

Key interfaces:
 - **TextExtractor**

 - Default: only extracts plain text
 - JSoup: only extracts plain text or HTML
 - Tika: relias on Apache Tika

### Quotas

Defines and enforces limitations on the mailbox resource usage. Keep
track of current resource usage.

 - Quota Root: defines a group of mailboxes for which a given quota
applies. James implementation defines QuotaRoot as the mailboxes
belonging to a user.
 - Resources: What resourc ehte quota tracks. Could be the count of
messages or the total sizes of messages.
 - Quota: A limit along with current usage for a given Quota Root.

Key interfaces:
 - **QuotaManager** allows to define limits and retrieve quota usage.

## data/api

Stores server level metadata.

 - **Users**: people enables to access the server, along with their
 - **Domains**: Logical group of users

Key interfaces:
 - **UsersRepository**
 - **DomainList**

 - Memory
 - Cassandra
 - JPA

## Recipient Rewrite Tables

Enables storing rules for rewriting recipient of an email.

 - **Mapping source**: defines which address should be rewritten for a
given rule
 - **Mapping**: defines the rewriting that should be performed

Key interface: **RecipientRewriteTable** stores all the Mappings along
with their sources.

 - Memory
 - Cassandra
 - JPA
 - XML (configuration only)

## SieveRepository

Enables users to store Sieve scripts. Enables managing quota applied for
user Sieve scripts.

 - **Sieve script**: enable a user to define actions to be performed
upon mail reception.

Key interfaces:
 - **SieveRepository**: Leverages sieve script storage
 - **SieveQuotaRepository**: Leverages sieve script quota storage

## DNS Service

Provides abstraction for DNS resolutions. Helps DNS resolution for mail
processing purposes.

Key interfaces: **DNSService** enables DNS resolution.

# Protocols


Implementation of RFC-5321 to enable receiving emails. Mails are
processed asynchronously.

A user can register additional **ProtocolHandlers** to extend the
capabilities of the SMTP server.

A SMTP **Hook** is a specific Protocol handler being plugged in a
specific location within the default SMTP server stack.


Implementation of RFC-2033 to enable receiving emails. Similar to SMTP
but mails are processed synchronously.

A user can register additional **ProtocolHandlers** to extend the
capabilities of the LMTP server.

A SMTP **Hook** is a specific Protocol handler being plugged in a
specific location within the default SMTP server stack.


Implementationof RFC-3501 to enable a user to access and manage their

A user as of today can not extend the behaviour of the IMAP stack.


Implementation of RFC-8620 and RFC-8621 to enable a user to interact and
manage their mailboxes, and to send emails, on top of HTTP.

The implementation of these specifications is currently a work in
progress. A previous draft implementation is available.

## POP3

Implementation of RFC-1939 to enables users to retrieve the mails within
their mailboxes.

A user can register additional **ProtocolHandlers** to extend the
capabilities of the POP3 server.

## ManagedSieve

Implementation of RFC-5804 to enable a user to upload and manage their
Sieve scripts.

This protocol implementation is known to be buggy.

# Server Administration

## REST administration via WebAdmin

James specific REST APIs to manage other components, and their specific

WebAdmin routes are defined in a modular way, the webadmin API will thus
be product specific.


Key interface:
 - **Routes** enables registering additional REST endpoints.

Plugin: a user can define custom webadmin routes.

## Administration via the CLI

Command Line interface to manage James.

This CLI is not product specific, some command will not work for some

The CLI relies on JMX protocol and can represent a potential
vulnerabilities. Guice products enables disabing it. A long term work is
to port the CLI to rely on the WebAdmin REST APIs.

# Utility components

These components offers services core-components implementations can
rely on.

## BlobStore

Stores potentially large binary data.

 - **Blob**: Binary data

Key interface: BlobStore

 - Memory
 - ObjectStorage (S3/Swift)

## TaskManager

Allows to control and schedule long running tasks run by other
components. Among other it enables scheduling, progress monitoring,
cancelation of long running tasks

 - **Task**: An operation performed by the TaskManager
 - **Task additional information**: Task specific information. Exposes
specific details about this task and how its execution went on.

Key interface: **TaskManager**.

 - Memory
 - Distributed (cassandra + RabbitMQ)

## Metrics

Enables recording execution timing for various operation within James.
Enables fine grained performance monitoring of a running James server,
for example using grafana boards.

Key interface: **MetricFactory**.

 - Default
 - DropWizard

## HealthChecks

Enables knowing the status of each components within a running James server.

This is both periodically logged, and exposed via WebAdmin.

Key interface: **HealthCheck**.

## Event sourcing

Event sourcing implementation for the James server. Enables components
to rely on event sourcing technics for taking decisions.

Here the definition of event is not the one of the mailbox, we are in a
different bounded context.


 - **Aggregate** represents an entity on which actions are performed
 - **command** represents actions we wish to perform on this aggregate
 - **events** represent modifications of the aggregate. The state of the
aggregate can be computed from its event history.
 - **CommandHandler** applies commands on aggregates and generates the
resulting events.
 - **Subscriber** enables applying actions upon events.

Key interfaces:

 - **EventStore** stores events generated by event sourcing. Implemented
in Memory and on top of Cassandra.

## JSON serialization

Generic mechanism for modular JSON serialization of entities.

Sample usages:
 - Task
 - Task additional details
 - Event sourcing events

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