Hi Eugen,

You will find my answers inlined.

> I believe you make the assumption that people use and want to use the
> full plethora of protocols we have in James.
> Sort of "All or nothing" approach.
> Why do you think it is so?
> I would argue that we should make little assumptions about how people
> deploy their infrastructure.
> Maybe I have an existing infrastructure that I know and trust for SMTP
> and I just want to use the IMAP server from James.
> Examples:
> 1. I use Amazon Simple Email Service (or Sendgrid or Mailgun) for
> sending emails and I just want to be able to customize the IMAP/JMAP
> experience and control how I store emails.
> 2. I could use James SMTP as a Gateway for my existing IMAP / Webmail setup.
> 3. I could use James SMTP as a Relay for my marketing SaaS platform.

We should of course have an SMTP only server to address these use cases.

achieve it.

> But that is not the main argument for having them separate.
> The main argument IMO is that the protocols are quite complex and having
> the ability to work on just one protocol at a time has significant
> advantages:
> * Lower cognitive effort - I only need to care about this specific
> protocol and it's implementation details, not the other protocols.
>   This is one huge benefit.
> * Faster development feedback cycle - If I work on IMAP or SMTP I should
> get away with running the tests only for that part.
> * Less risk - If I work and break SMTP - the other parts should work.
> With the current project structure - it can be hard to say.
> * Easier to adopt by new people - If people care only about SMTP, LMTP
> or IMAP - they can contribute only to that. The entry barrier will be
> smoother than what we have now.
> * Easier to compose and adapt for new and interesting projects - If we
> package them independently and together in a single product (Advanced
> Server) we have a showcase of how you can do that. It will be clear that
> they are meant to be used in both ways.
> Having them as separate projects may have the downside of integrating
> them together as integrating them requires some form of glue.
> The good side is that we already pay for this integration effort now :).
> We will have to do the effort of splitting them apart while also keeping
> the full version.
> This is doable and while it will take time it's not a hard problem IMO.

Regarding Mail Delivery servers, you end up supporting IMAP/JMAP + SMTP.

I believe we should be doing a better job at making things optional and
packaged separately.

I would love to see for instance POP3, ManagedSieve and many other
things as extensions, bundled in separated JARs, opt-in.

Shipping a small set of servers, with very limited features, each one
with their set of extensions.

I believe it achieves most of what you describes but without requiring
complex integration.

> Our way of using James is not the only way.
>>> [...]
>>> NOTE: Netty should be upgraded to the latest version, I can do that once
>>> we are done with Gradle.
>> +1 <3
>> Likely a huge effort though...
> You questioning my determination ?! (joke)

Never ^^

<joke>I don't know which one is easier... Gradle? Or Netty?</joke>
> In time I will change the universe :D .

No doubt about it too.



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