Le 20/07/2020 à 18:00, Eugen Stan a écrit :
> Hello,
> While working on the documentation website I ran into the question of:
> What parts to document?
> 1. What are the repositories we still use in James - some like jdkim
> have merged in james-project - others ?

The JDKIM library still lives indepandantly from James.

Only it's mailet integration with the james server had been merged into

The usage of JDKIM as a library would still benefit from being documented.
> 2. Which ones we don't use?
> 3. Which projects we wish to retire - if any? My suggestion: hupa, but
> we need to make a call and see if anyone steps in?
> Current list of repositories: https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf#james
> james-hupa.git <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-hupa.git>
> Apache James Hupa     23 weeks ago
+1 for retirement.
> james-jdkim.git <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-jdkim.git>
> Apache James jdkim     42 weeks ago
This one is used as explained above/
> james-jsieve.git
> <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-jsieve.git> Apache James
> jsieve     42 weeks ago
Used too. Even as
pointed out we might benefit from a nicer API...
> james-jspf.git <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-jspf.git>
> Apache James jspf     42 weeks ago 
Used too.
> james-mime4j.git
> <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-mime4j.git> Apache James
> mime4j     3 days ago
> james-postage.git
> <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-postage.git>     Apache
> James postage     75 weeks ago
I must confess I never used postage for load testing. I'm a stranger to
this sub-part of the project.

Some alternaves exist as JMeter extensions or Gatling libraries (IMAP,

Maybe, given that their is very little contributions on this project we
could consider retiring it?
> james-project.git
> <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-project.git>     Apache
> James project     3 days ago
> james-site.git <https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/james-site.git>
> Apache James Website     <30 minutes ago
> == More context
> Antora has a nice system - called [component-version] - that allows us
> to keep the documentation next to the sources and have multiple
> version of it.
> Right now we have this setup with only James project -
> https://github.com/apache/james-site/blob/live/doc-sites/antora-playbook.yml
> I do believe we should keep the documentation in every project and
> publish them as components.
> We can add edit links back to github for each page.
> I'll create a component-version for each project and try to migrate as
> much documentation as I can (help needed).
I've started migrating documentation for the Distributed Server and am
making good progress on it.

I'm expecting the Advanced server to go faster.

I'm also interested into migrating the community part of the james site
to Antora.
> The website should be published from james-site which IMO should also
> contain the Jekyll content.
+1 this would be more natural.
> [component-version] https://docs.antora.org/antora/2.3/component-version/
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