On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Benj. Mako Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Martin Langhoff
>  > >  Personally, I have been dreaming of a mix between ion3 and Sugar's
>  > >  4-zoom-stages. Talking with some hard-core ion3 friends, they seemed
>  > >  to be convinced that it was doable as a special configuration, binding
>  > >  the F1-F3 keys to full screen apps, and having a nested X in F4.
>  Yes. This would be pretty simple. I'd be happy to help someone hack
>  this up. Ion3 is extensible in Lua and a little bit of Lua will get
>  tihs up and running pretty quickly.

The whole plan would look like

 - Network-pane visual app on F1
 - Network-local-resources+Friends visual app on F2
 - Desktop mgmt app on F3
 - F4 as an ion3 managed desktop

with the whole concert of things managed by Ion3. Good to know that
the Ion3 Lua part is doable and relatively easy. The visual apps
needed for F1/2 are probably a ton of work.

Hmmmm. A weekend project for next time I have a weekend (next one up:
Feb 2010 I think ;-) ). Maybe next time I'm in Cambridge we can
explore it together if you have time+inclination...



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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