
To remind you, I am getting to know the XS using an installation on a
laptop, with 2 XO-B4s and 1 XO-1, all running build 703 and G1G1 activity
pack. I have followed the configuration instructions for a small school
server, ejabberd starts on boot etc. I have tested the server with and
without Internet access via Ethernet.

I am using a prototype active antenna that obviously is working fine.

I had initial success, finding that all three XOs immediately could access
the server and Internet through the browser, and they could see each other
in the neighbourhood, share and invite.

I then registered all three, this was uneventful. The register option no
longer appears on the XOs. 

However, the result (unless this is a red herring) is that they can all
still access the server and Internet but do not see each other any more in
the neighbourhood and cannot collaborate. 

Can you point to any lines of attack to diagnose the problem.

I can see the school mesh and simple (olpc) mesh with my Windows laptop.

David Leeming
Technical Advisor, People First Network
Tel: +677 76396(m) 24419(h) 26358 (w)

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Langhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2008 8:40 a.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: Pia Waugh; Phill Hardstaff; Jeff Waugh; Ian Thomson; Barry Vercoe;
Michael Hutak; OLPC Australia Board; XS Devel
Subject: Re: Laptop XS working

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 4:14 PM, David Leeming
> I got them collaborating (at the same time accessing Internet - so via the
> server) without even registering. How could that be? But I will do so.

XOs are smart enough to collaborate even without the XS, and in this
case they are using the AP but not using the ejabberd-provided
services for collaboration. The main difference is that it scales much
*much* better once they've registered and are using it.

> Can you explain the importance of the domain name. I just called mine
> "". Do we need to register domain names for external services?

None whatsoever.

I've copied this reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - let's have technical
questions and answers archived *there* -- it is pretty hard for me to
scale if the technical questions are asked in private. Doing it in the
public list means they are archived and searchable :-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first

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