Hi Greg,

I think we should separate the teacher approval from remote blogging 
features to make the system more flexible.  It will make it easier to 
implement and I think easier to use.  It will also allow people to use 
remote blogging and teacher approval independently.

What I suggest is the following:

On the teacher's create blog page - Under the teacher approval section, 
two checkbox options enable teacher approval and enable direct posting.  
Under the remote blogging options section, a checkbox to send posts 
directly to the remote site or store them locally when students post
On the student's create post page - A selectbox asking what to do with 
the post (send to teacher or post to blog or both depending on the 
checkboxes the teacher selected under the teacher approval section)

When a student posts, sending to teacher will publish it locally so only 
people with edit privileges can view the post (that student and the 
teacher).  Clicking post will post the blog locally and if the teacher 
has send posts directly selected, it will also be published remotely.

The teachers blog view page will have the options to post locally 
(approve) or remotely (publish to remote blog) as needed.

The difference from the original idea is that students no longer can 
select between send to local blog and send to remote blog.  The teacher 
will have that preset.

Let me know what you think.

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