> From: Tarun
> Hi guys,
> I uploaded a theme I found that I think works much better for the XO and 

> regular browsers as well.  I'd like to use this as the base and 
> customize it further to make it look like the mock up pages.

you need to put the theme in /var/www/html/EduBlog/moodle/theme directory. 
 Let me know when this is done, and I can activate it as the default 
theme, and allow it as one of the many choices.

-- Tony

Tony Pearson
Senior Storage Consultant, IBM System Storage
Telephone: +1 520-799-4309 |  tie 321-4309 |  Cell: +1 520 990-8669
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  GSA: http://tucgsa.ibm.com/~tpearson
Blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/InsideSystemStorage
AKA: 990tony Paravane, eightbar specialist 


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