Hi all,

Firstly thanks for all the feedback. I want to ensure everyone knows this
isn't about undermining the great work already done on Fedora, but rather it
about I guess scratching an itch that a few people have. I think that where
possible we post the existing XS packages so that people can have both rpms
and debs at their disposal. I want to stay very true to the goal of the XS
project to be 100% automated if necessary, and a robust headless box that
the school shouldn't need technical people to maintain in a worst case

<quote who="Sameer Verma">

> Doing a Debian-based XS came up in one of the server meetings we had a
> few months ago http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Conf_08_MAR_25_Notes. It
> kinda came up here as well:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Conf_08_AUG_07_Meeting 

Thanks Sameer! It looks like a few people have the same thought.

> A Ubuntu-based XS would be great. We've talked about it at SF State and
> a couple of other groups around here for reasons of familiarity and it
> being Debian based, etc. I'd be curious to see what it would take to get
> the XS on a Ubuntu or Debian base.

Cool, well we will let you know! Could you let me know where the actual
packages used on the Fedora XS are so I can look at them and port where
necessary? I only have the Fedora XS iso at this stage. We are doing some
work over the coming week so I'll update the list. At this stage I'm just
deconstructing the Fedora XS setup and looking at what we'd like for the
Ubuntu one.

There are a few interesting feature requests I've had from local trials,
including the ability to only allow an XS to talk to "approved" XOs, to
avoid strangers parking outside a school with an XO and interacting with
children (worst case scenarios are always the first thing on a Government
agenda :), so we're looking at MAC address management on the server
potentially. More to come!


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