On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Greg Smith > - On "Can you put this
feature on the roadmap:" I see that it has Trac #1504
> but I don't see this very useful Readme (or Specification) that Douglas
> wrote linked anywhere.
> Can we include that somewhere off the roadmap?

No. We are working towards a release so we won't be doing
user-friendly docs yet.

Instead I give you this promise: a feature list is a release goal for
xs-0.5, and I will put together a mini  "user guide" for the XS right
after xs0.5 is released.

> - On users, can someone run this design by the technical leads in Peru and
> Ethiopia and get their input and sign off?

That will be an exercise in frustration.

This is one little step -- no, I will not ask for review for every little step.

> They expressed strong interest in lease management

You asked this earlier and I believe I've already replied.
Unfortunately, the answer is "no, this does not do lease management".
Erik has given you a similar answer AFAICS.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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