On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Martin Langhoff
> and indeed, that's the case. Thanks for the hint. It gets matched with
> /etc/redhat-release from the fedora-release package...

Now, further nots sparing the anaconda folk XS-specific stuff.

The F7-based versions of the XS called themselves "Fedora". I think
it's time to start calling ourselves XS properly. This means that

 - We need to define a name. 'OLPC School Server' is my pick. First
hit on google is correct, whereas "OLPC XS" has too many caps, and
points to discussion about the hardware Wad planning back in the day.

 - We need to replace the fedora-release RPM with xs-release for
future upgrades to work.

 - Optional but nice - add a menu entry in the isolinux.cfg that
passes 'upgradeany'

 - Mention it in the release notes and install instructions -- either
the boot menu option or adding 'upgradeany' manually.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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