Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Fedora 9, using F9's revisor which has not changed in a while...
>  - last week, I was able to invoke revisor and create a new installer
> CD without any problem...
>  - this week, buildinstall dies, and if I enable logging it complains
> missing anaconda-runtime
>  - this is looking at a local copy of the 'release' repo - I rsync'd
> it earlier today, but IIRC it had not changed...
>  - my custom packages have changed a little bit, but none of them
> required anaconda-runtime
>  - I have been experimenting with a different version of revisor -
> I've nuked /var/tmp/revisor* - perhaps state got saved anywhere else?
> Adding anaconda-runtime to the kickstart file that drives the process
> fixes the problem. It's not a problem I was expecting to have though
> :-/
> In any case, am I missing any factor that could be messing up the process?

I'd like to know what version of Fedora you're attempting to compose... 
Also Fedora 9?

I'd love some debug output, since it's going to tell me what happened 
exactly. --debug 9 should do the trick and you can send it to me in 
private (since it's going to end up being a large log file).

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen
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