I wrote:

> It is not completely satisfactory: I don't have the resources to test
> up to 3000 active users which I believe is an important target.

Just to clarify this: it was actually client resources I ran out of,
not the server (though that must have been getting close to melt

I used hyperactivity, but could only maintain about 250 connections
from each instance.  Guillaume: you mentioned somewhere that you had
worked on a Gabble bug relating to hyperactivity, so I tried a git
snapshot and got a recurring trace back with this punchline:

org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Errors.NotImplemented: \
 Unknown property BuddyGadgetAvailable on org.laptop.Telepathy.Gadget

Do I need to replace other stuff than just Gabble?  Or should I not
bother yet? Is 250 connections in the order that you get?  Perhaps my
hyperactivity has issues all of its own.

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