On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Andrés Ambrois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am, together with Pablo Flores, working in preparing EduBlog for
> deployment in Ceibal (yay!). However, one of the big challenges ahead is
> deciding on the security infrastructure needed. So I've decided to consult the
> gurus at server-devel =) .

Hola Andres!

- What's your timeframe?
- Are the Ceibal machines registering with the Ceibal servers in any way?

>  The other real solution that comes to mind would be TLS (SSL), maybe using
> the DSA SSH key generated in first-boot? I believe this would involved
> modifying Browse to use that file, and also gathering the XOs public keys
> manually and add them to the server, which is a logistic nightmare. I hope I'm
> wrong in this, could you advise me?

That is one of the paths we are exploring :-) with an additional tweak
to the 'register' action that retrieves the self-signed cert of the
server on the XO as a trusted cert, and gives the XS the cert of the

This of course needs a change in the register API - (minor) code
changes on the XO core Sugar libs and in Browse.


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