(Apologies as I haven't done extensive archive/wiki searching and 
i'm also a bit tired - Please point to RTFM)
I'm looking at setting up a simple test rig for playing with the school 
server, and I have the following hardware for use:

* An XO
* A generic laptop with a wired & a wireless interface and XS-0.5 
* A generic wireless AP
* (A NATTed dhcp'd network with external connectivity)

Can I setup a test rig with that hardware - how would you go about it?

With a basic XS install, the server seemed to connect to the external
network fine, and also created a school-mesh-0 wireless network 
which was visible from my mac - but not seemingly from the XO.

So the next thing I tried was connecting the WAP to the XS ethernet
interface. However, on investigation I noticed that dhcpd was not 
running (and was asking for network_config and domain_config to be run).
So I ensured network_config and domain_config were sorted and rebooted.

After a reboot dhpcd started up - however, seemingly not giving out
leases on the wired interface. I read that using xs-swapnics could
sort this out for me - but I don't think it will work because I only
have eth0.

I can't see in the config where the interface to bind dhcpd and 
associated services to is specified - can anyone give me any 


Dan Poltawski

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