2008/12/30 David Leeming <leem...@pipolfastaem.gov.sb>:
> -          Installed 0.5 Nov 19th download on Toshiba notebook computer with
> black box prototype AA (USB)

> -          yum --enablerepo=olpcxs-testing update
> -          restart

Just to make double, triple-sure... can you tell us what the ouput of ...?

   rpm -qa ejabberd-xs

> -          One one of 4 XOs, log onto ejabberd web admin and set up shared
> roster "Online"
> -          restart
> -          start all four XOs and register, then restart

the restart here is just of the XOs, right?

> At this stage I cannot see any other XO...

Damn, this is so strange. Something else must be getting in the way here.

> Log attached

Thanks! I've reviewed the logs. They look very normal to me.

I'm a bit lost here. Something is subtly wrong somewhere. Either in
the procedure you're following or in the software. We need to find out
what it is...


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