2009/1/28 Reuben K. Caron <reu...@laptop.org>:
> 1. Which should be used.

Good spotting. Initially I thought kickstart could drive upgrades. It
cannot. So it's the "one of the top options" path that actually works.
I'll fix the wiki...

And at some point when we get a chance to improve the sysconfig menu,
we should replace those wonky menu options with ones that make sense
for us, including onecalled "upgrade from 0.4 or vanilla fedora",
which of course includes the 'upgradeany' magic word.

> 2. If you pass upgradeany to one of the top two options that does not use
> the kickstart, do you lose any functionalality?

You don't lose functionality. The 0.4 install has the two key pkgs,
xs-config and xs-pkgs. Anaconda upgrades both, and those bring in
everything that "makes" an XS.


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