On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Thanks. The modification required is in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lanbond0
> change:
>    IPV6INIT=no
> to
>    IPV6INIT=yes
>    IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="fe80::abcd:ef01/64"

That is the hardcoded address that the XO tries to reach. I want this
to work on mesh and a/b/g, but the address is link-local, so options:

1 - we can use fe80::abcd:ef01/64 for mshbond0 (which means it works
with old XO builds) and fe80::abcd:ef02/64 (note the 2) for lanbond0

2 - we can assign the same addr to lanbond0 _and_ mshbond0. The kernel
handles it alright, but userland finds it weird. For starters, xinetd
doesn't like the idea.

Even if we can get xinetd to dance, #2 looks fairly fragile, the kind
of thing upstream is going to say "even if it's technically possible,
don't do that!".

So initially I am going with #1-- do you think you can tweak the
initrd a bit more to poke at ef01 over mesh, and ef02 over abg?
Looking at activate.py, adding it to the array in try_network()...


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