On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Hamilton Chua <hamilton.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to ask what the plan is for allowing Sugar running on
> hardware other than an XO to register with an XS.

As John says, I'm hoping that non-XO machines running Sugar can register too :-)

> I had a quick look at /usr/bin/registration-server in the XS and
> schoolserver.py in a Sugar installation and I was able to "trick" the XS
> into registering an SoaS by modifying schoolserver.py on the SoaS. I
> removed the part of the code that checks for the XO information and
> modified the def that handles registration to send randomly generated
> strings for serial and UUID instead.

Cool! Yes, that's what I'd suggest -- change things on the client side
to generate a random string (or a hashed mac address) with the
appropriate format. Maybe pre-pend it with a known prefix, as XOs have
a series of known prefixes in their serial numbers.

One important thing is that the client side must remember these
generated serial/uuid as they are used for other stuff.

> Also, how is moodle integration coming along. Is there documentation
> somewhere with details on how this will be achieved ? Will this involve
> modifying registration-server or ejabberd ?

Well underway -- it's working if you grab the moodle from my git repo,
it doesn't require changes to registration-server, and it works with
the same ejabberd we have on XS 0.5.2 .

It does require a new Browse.xo -- search the list archives for
discussion about the latest Browse.xo and the 'moodle authentication'
patch in it.


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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