2009/3/15 Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com>:
> "Client" code for Gadget seems to be integrated in the Telepathy new
> Sugar present on the SoaS images. The server side -- the proper gadget
> code -- isn't on any XS, and I haven't seen or tested it (lack of time
> :-( )
> Even if I had, it's a ton of new code, a lot more adventurous than
> what we're doing w moodle. So short/midterm, following ejabberd+moodle
> is lower risk from the perspective of a deployment today.

One thing I still don't understand about gadget... how does it
actually solve the problem? I'm assuming the problem it solves is lack
of partitioning, and the fact that the neighborhood view becomes kind
of impossible after 50 users, etc. Right?

So what does gadget do? Is there a new client side UI for electing
groups? Who chooses, the kids or the teachers? etc.

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