On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 7:37 AM, John Watlington <w...@laptop.org> wrote:
> The OLPC web-based git interface was changed, due to security
> holes in the previous one.   Unfortunately, links into it still haven't
> been changed.
> On Mar 20, 2009, at 1:17 AM, Sameer Verma wrote:
>> http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/xs-livecd;a=blob;f=util/mkusbinstall;hb=HEAD
> Git it in raw form at:
> http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/xs-livecd/plain/util/mkusbinstall
> or formatted at:
> http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/xs-livecd/tree/util/mkusbinstall
>> on
>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Installing_Software#Optional:_Using_a_USB_key.2Fdisk_for_installation
>> leads to a blank page.
> Cheers,
> wad
>> Suggestions?
>> Sameer
>> --
>> Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
>> Associate Professor of Information Systems
>> San Francisco State University
>> San Francisco CA 94132 USA
>> http://verma.sfsu.edu/
>> http://opensource.sfsu.edu/
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>> Server-devel mailing list
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I tried the mkusbinstall script. It works. Installing from USB is
another matter. It chokes initially when looking for ks.cfg as the
install documentation suggests. The LABEL of the USB stick somehow
doesn't get read. So, I have to type in the location (/dev/sdb1) in my
case. Further down in the instllation right after formatting the
filesystems, it chokes again, looking for the ISO path (same path
problem) but this time, I have no way to change it and point it to
/dev/sdb1. I can only Abort.

Any suggestions? Can I pass any parameters at boot time to make the LABEL stick?

Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
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