On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Alex Wulms <alex.wu...@scarlet.be> wrote:
> What are your thoughts on this subject?

I'm not Toby, but I do have some notes from the chat we had with Rusty
back in January. The idea at the time was that

 - The 'normal' caching proxy would cache things that have good
caching headers. Our crcsync smarts are not needed there. That cache
has its own garbage collection logic, based on cache headers.

 - The crcsync proxy wants to cache "the rest" -- the formally
uncacheable content, perhaps taking some decision by content type
(prefer html, xml, text mimetypes. ignore others?) and its garbage
collector has a very different logic (something LRU-ish?)

that's a big advantage of this code being in-process with a normal
caching proxy, it can ignore the stuff that the caching proxy is
handling, and help with the requests that "aren't cacheable" according
to their server (most requests these days, unfortunately)...


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