Not a GSoC project, just a project(crcsync is the name at the moment).
Initial target is a double proxy server, one each end of the slow link, with
dreams of web standards and browser integration following.

Seems to me that both projects need the same upstream server extension to be
able to send the deltas down. Current state of the apache modules is that
all the major pieces are in place but not a lot testing and no optimisation
has been carried out yet.


2009/3/26 Gervase Markham <>

> On 23/03/09 11:19, Martin Langhoff wrote:
>> Fantastic! I assume the rsync-http now know of the vastly superior
>> karma of crcsync over the 2-hash method of rsync.
> Er, not really. After a lunchtime conversation with tridge at LCA where he
> told me about his original project, I just thought it would be cool and put
> it up on our SoC list. So I know very little about what's possible.
>  If the Apache mods
>> and Mozilla speak the same protocol, then machines behind
>> bandwidth-constrained links will be in much better shape. I can see
>> 3G-internet providers pushing this too.
> Clearly, it's worth making sure everyone's on the same page. I see this as
> a killer app for Firefox on low-bandwidth links; we'll have every smalltown
> and developing world ISP which still has dial-up customers telling their
> customers "use Firefox to make your Internet faster". They'd install the
> compression server on their web proxy, and voila.
> Have I understood correctly? Is Martin coordinating a GSoC project to do an
> apache extension for delta-compression-over-HTTP?
> Gerv

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