On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> You may have problems getting 50 people connected to the same access
> point (the step *before* registration). Some access points that I
> tested would crash after accepting the 31st user. Some are OK though.
> But in any situation, 50 is probably the maximum you'd want to put on
> 1 access point.


> You may want to focus on channels 6 and 11, because "out of the box"
> XOs which have not yet connected to an access point will start meshing
> on channel 1, this may saturate the spectrum with a sufficient number
> of laptops.

Good hint! Hadn't thought of that.

> I do not think you need "rounds" of registration. With sufficient

Actually, if you _use_ separate rounds or times for registration, the
recent versions of moodle-xs (the custom moodle we ship) make it
easier to enrol users in the same course if they've registered in
clusters. The listing of users to pick when enrolling in a course
shows them ordered by registration time, and displays reg time too.

> And as for post-registration... As far as I can tell, the XS has not
> seen much field use with such a large number of users concurrently

True. Early users get new software... and more attention from me
(soon, I promise ;-)).

 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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