On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Varun Arora <futuregeni...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Anna,
> Thanks for that. Yes, I did the yum groupinstall all of them.
> Unfortunately, GNOME fails to log me in as a root or just another user. So I
> reverted back to command-line. I don't know why that instability. Maybe its
> specific to me.
> MySQL works well after the install. (It was just funny to have Moodle
> pre-installed without MySQL!)
> Varun

Moodle runs on PostGreSQL. I'd also suggest using XS 0.6D2, where bulk of
the issues have been fixed.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

> 2009/7/22 Anna <ascho...@gmail.com>
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Varun Arora <futuregeni...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I installed all packages including MySQL DB, X Window System, GNOME etc.
>>> on installation of XS 5.2. Unfortunately, after installation I tried to run
>>> MySQL and it did not run. It was not installed. X Windows did not seem to
>>> installed. I had checked both these during installation. I know GUI is not
>>> is not important for most network admins, but I just wanted to know why the
>>> stable installation disc does not install them even though I checked them.
>> I'm not on the dev team, but I've installed MySQL and X Windows on an XS.
>> Those packages are not on the XS install media, so it doesn't matter if you
>> check them during the install process.
>>> I did manage to download the X packages later using Yum, but that led to
>>> serious instability such as failure to login from GNOME and bad network
>>> connectivity. Had to freshly install.
>> Did you do yum groupinstall?  You can see which groups are available with
>> yum grouplist.  For example, you can do:
>> yum groupinstall X Window System
>> yum groupinstall GNOME Desktop Environment
>> yum groupinstall MySQL Database
>> Anna Schoolfield
>> Birmingham
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