On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Luke Faraone<l...@faraone.cc> wrote:
> I think it would be useful to expose a (optionally disableable by the
> school) option within the UI to "report a problem", which (after gaining the

 - If the user can connect to the XS and Moodle (via the AP! using DNS!)
 - and register! (needed to login...)
 - and the Moodle admin UI works (Apache! PHP! PostgreSQL!)
 - and it can post it to a server (wooohoo! Internet!)

then ummm... pretty much everything works. If _anything_ is broken,
such bugreporting tool won't work.

In more modest terms it would be good to have a command similar to
olpc-netlog (as seen on the XO OS).

Also note that apport is based on a ton of work (automated and manual)
at the other end sorting useless reports. It is based on Ubuntu having
lots of hands.

Better to think things through before bikeshedding?

 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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