We saw this message at boot, not sure if it's relevant:
AICCU is not configured go to /etc/aiccu

pssql now starts on boot, but we are still getting the same results when

The result is a page stating:
Moodle is disabled at the moment.

We have rebooted more than once at this point.

We've been digging around (but not changing) /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and

and they both point to a document root of /var/www/html

Does this have anything to do with our problem?  I don't really know what
I'm doing...

So, in a nutshell, pssql is running at startup, but we still can't access
moodle through the web interface.

Any ideas?

Thanks yet again,
-Dan (and Michael Ishaku)

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Daniel Bennett <dant...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>   rpm -V kernel
> > dan: I got no news, so I guess it worked
> Good!
> > dan: I ran:
> >  ejabberdctl connected-users
> > It returns long output like (the random string here is made up by me):
> > 34209381afaa07fa9df...@schoolserver.lccnjimeta.org/Telepathy
> That all sounds right. Some more useful commands
>   # will show 'Online' exists
>   $ejabberdctl srg-list-groups `hostname -f`
>   Online
>    # show the settings of the Online Shared Roster Group -
>    $ ejabberdctl srg-get-info 'Online'  `hostname -f`
>    name: "Online"
>    displayed_groups: ["Online"]
>    description: "Created_by_ejabberd_init"
>    online_users: true
>    members:
> > So I definitely buy that some automagic is going on here.
> Hey -- did you ever doubt it? :-)
> > Is there perhaps
> > documentation I can view that explains to me how to create different
> groups
> > for different classes and generally manage things without the now
> obsolete
> > web interface?
> > (real world example: I would like to put all of my 5th graders in a group
> > together, my 2nd graders in another, etc)  I might even want to change
> these
> > on a regular basis.
> >
> > Is this all done through moodle perhaps?  Is there documentation I should
> be
> > using for that?  If you could send me a link it would be much
> appreciated.
> Yes, you can segregate what XOs see in the neighbourhood view by
> moodle course membership. This is mainly useful when you have schools
> with more than ~50 XOs.
> Quick howto:
> 1 - Make sure you are using a recent Browse.xo (101 at least, I think)
> 2 - The first XO to register (reboot) and visit moodle successfully
> gets some extra rights (is an 'admin' of sorts). So get an XO reg'd
> and visiting Moodle -- it will auto-authenticate into Moodle. Should
> see a 'site administration' block on the left.
> 3 - Create some courses (Site Administration->courses->Add/edit->Add
> new), assign teachers and students. In the long and confusing "new
> course" form, all you need to set is Full Name and Short Name. Please
> ignore every other option.
> Note: when it comes to enrolling, setup some courses for XOs you have
> registered already -- this is mainly to have something to work with!
> You can add more courses & enrolments later.
>  Might help: http://docs.moodle.org/en/Enrolment#Manual_enrolment
> 4 - In 'Site Administration', go to Courses->Presence Service, and set
> presencebycourse to Yes.
> 5 - Within 10 minutes, issuing the same ejabberdctl queries as above
> should show that Online has been replaced by several SRGs -- one per
> course. Asking for the 'info' of those, will show you their
> membership.
> 6 - When you make the switch from one mode to the other on the XS
> side, the situation will be confusing for the XOs, so they might need
> to re-associate to the Access Point (so they re-query their group
> membership) before they see the changes.
> Note: All changes to the course membership take 5~10 minutes to appear
> in ejabberd on the XOs, and some changes may also need an XO to
> reassociate to the AP. Emphasis on 'some' :-)
> > Dan: service pgsql-xs supports chkconfig, but is not reerenced in any
> > runlevel (run 'chkconfig --add pgsql-xs')
> >
> > Should I run this as it says?
> Yes! and then restart the server. Both pgsql-xs and moodle will start
> up. On this first startup, moodle will perform its setup (so it'll
> take a tad longer). You can see the log of the install in
> /var/log/moodle/instupg.log
> > klogctl during boot returns 'invalid argument'
> dunno
> > mshbonds and wmeshs do not seem to be present
> normal.
> > could not connect to server postgres as well.
> not normal but you'll have it fixed for the next reboot :-)
> m
> --
>  martin.langh...@gmail.com
>  mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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