
I think option 1 is good. It keeps the "favorites" metaphor from elsewhere
and allows for the sharing of multiple things at the same time.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Aleksey Lim <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:30:22PM -0500, Gerald Ardito wrote:
> > Hello all.
> >
> > As our 5th graders are doing more and more work with their XOs, their
> being
> > able to turn in and share their work products (as opposed to
> collaborating
> > with others) is becoming more and more important.
> >
> > My temporary solution is having them upload their work (along with
> > reflections, if desired) to Moodle, which I can do because we have an XS
> > implementation. However, this means that if a student has created a
> Memorize
> > vocabulary game that s/he want to share s/he has to:
> > 1. Create the game.
> > 2. Save it to the Journal
> > 3. Go to Browse
> > 4. Navigate to Moodle
> > 5. Find the right course/right assignment within the course
> > 6. Upload game.
> >
> > S/he pretty much has to do the same thing to download and then play other
> > games. This is certainly workable, but dramatically slows down the
> momentum
> > of creating games and wanting others to play them.
> >
> > So, I am asking to create/offering to help create an Activity that allows
> > users to share work products easily. I know that Bert was working on
> > something called Distribute, which may be a starting place. It seems to
> > share Journal objects, which seems right.
> >
> > I am happy to work with developers on this. I could create requirements,
> if
> > need be. Just say the word.
> >
> > I look forward to what comes next.
> >
> > Thanks and best,
> > Gerald
> What do you think about followed workflows, which is preferable
> 1) user, using search controls, minimize list of entries in Journal
>   bookmark this entirely list(names it)
>   share the whole list(bookmark)
>   user can have several bookmarks
>   other users see that 1st user shared some bookmarks and can open
>   these bookmarks in theirs Journal(it could be separate icon like USB)
>   (bookmarks could be useful not only for sharing)
> 2) there is no bookmarks
>   user can share any object w/o bookmarking(e.g. by clicking star icon or
> so)
>   other user see only one list of shared objects
> --
> Aleksey
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