The standard apache config file, httpd.conf in /etc/httpd/conf, or in our 
case the file httpd-xs.conf, sets the "base" location as
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html".  So you don't actually need an Alias or 
directory directive to get to "/var/www/html/public" via 
http://schoolserver/library/public.  Alias /public/ overrides that.

Note that David also has his files in /library/Schools-Wikipedia, the reason 
being that the stock xs install doesn't allocate much space to the root 
partition where /var/www/html is found.  It puts library on a separate 
volume with most of the disk there, so you will run out of space in 
/var/www/html fairly quickly.

It sounds to me like your Alias and Directory directives are not doing 
anything.  Perhaps the file is not getting loaded.  If you look at the

What happens if you access

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andra DuPont" <>
To: "Tim Moody" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Public folders

On Apr 6, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Tim Moody wrote:

> Did you restart the web server with service httpd restart?  What does 
> service httpd configtest say?
> Yes, should be right, though the 
> shorter form worked for me as well.
> http://schoolserver/library/public should not work because of the Alias 
> statement.
> Are you on XS 0.6?
> Have you looked for errors in the web server logs in /var/log/httpd?
The error log has the answer. I put my public folder in /library but 
according to the error log, the
server is going to   /var/www/html/public  This is where David Leeming has 
his. I don't know where
the server gets told where the "base" or "home" location is for the 
schoolserver, but apparently
it is set to /var/www/html for http requests. I'm learning.

So Tim, why does your server go to /library ???

I changed the conf file to:

Alias /public/ "/var/www/html/public"
<Directory /var/www/html/public>

Works like a champ.

> Are the permissions on /library/public the same as 
> /library/xs-activity-server and those on xs-library-public.conf the same 
> as xs-activity-server.conf?
> Can you paste the contents of xs-library-public.conf into an email.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andra DuPont" <>
> To: "Tim Moody" <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Public folders
> Tim,
> I am also looking for a way to have a digital library of .pdf files etc.
> that can be accessed by any XO on an XS server. I have tried the
> approach you outlined, but when I use Browse to go to
> http://schoolserver/public it is not found. The server responds:
> The requested URL /public was not found on this server.
> My server domain is, so my actual URL is
> (this is as it should be.... right?)
> I have tried going to schoolserver/library/public but it is not found 
> either.
> In terminal, I can go to the directory /library/public and my documents
> are in the directory.
> I doubled checked the xs-library-public.conf file in
> the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory for typos but couldn't find any.
> Any guess as to why I can't get to the files from Browse?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> On Apr 2, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Tim Moody wrote:
>> I created a directory public under /library into which I copied a few 
>> pdfs.
>> I created a file xs-library-public.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d which 
>> contains
>> Alias /public/ "/library/public"
>> <Directory /library/public>
>> Order allow,deny
>> Allow from all
>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>> AllowOverride None
>> </Directory>
>> After service httpd restart I get an index of the pdfs from
>> http://schoolserver/public
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 06:41:51 +1000
>>> From: "David Leeming" <>
>>> Subject: [Server-devel] Public folders
>>> To: "'XS Devel'" <>
>>> Message-ID: <000001cad1db$c2141720$463c45...@com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>> Using the XS installed with default settings.
>>> I have been making folders public in /var/www/html and am able to view 
>>> sub
>>> folders to be listed. I.e. if there is no specific html file, the whole
>>> contents of the folder appear in the browser. Fine that is what I want.
>>> However, when copying content into that folder I rapidly run out of 
>>> space.
>>> It seems that the main disk space is in an another partition where the
>>> folder /library is located. This makes sense (i.e. to have a lot of room
>>> in
>>> the library...)
>>> Therefore, I copied my public content into sub folders under the 
>>> directory
>>> /library and made the whole of /library public using the html.conf file
>>> with
>>> Aliases pointing to my specific subfolders.
>>> However, under /library it won't allow contents of subfolders to be 
>>> listed
>>> (unless there is an index file in which case it opens that by default, 
>>> but
>>> I
>>> want the folder contents listed in some cases.
>>> Help?
>>> David Leeming
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