On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 16:17 -0400, Martin Langhoff wrote: 
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Martin Langhoff
> <martin.langh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Jerry Vonau <jvo...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> >> Just checked git, I had to touch also idmanager.py in order to have it
> >> respect the variable in the config file.
> >
> > Ok. So you had to unset the default value... then the code block below
> > that (Config.__init__()), which reads /etc/idmgr.conf to read in
> > overrides is failing to override it.
> Actually, you may have had a misconfiguration. If you set BIND_ADDRESS
> in /etc/idmgr.conf, there is no need to touch idmanager.py -- it reads
> the value properly from the config file.
> I've just tested such override, and it worked correctlyfor me. No
> patching (to idmanager code) needed.
> Of course the /etc/idmgr.conf we ship in xs-config is buggy, but the
> program itself reads and obeys its configuration AFAICS...

Your right, changed the variable present in /etc/idmgr.conf first, saw
no change. Then I saw the hardcoded ip in idmanager.py second, I just
#'d that one out but changed the address to be like the default
for any other normal service, that was the change I was referring to.
That lead to the idmgr not starting, then I realized that the mis-named
variable in idmgr.conf was the real issue. 


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